Pre-Marital Counselling Counsellors

Pre-Marital Counselling

Premarital counselling is the one aspect that most couples overlook during their wedding preparations. The wedding often takes precedence over the marriage, and couples fail to plan for their developing marriages. Premarital counselling can be a very helpful investment in a happy, loving married life.

People who come from different family backgrounds, experiences and mindsets deal with issues differently. Our different temperaments, values and personalities, as well as emotional baggage can play a major role in how we treat our partners and potential relationship issues. Premarital counselling provides a toolkit to help manage potentially harmful issues that stem from our differences. A good marriage requires not only trust and commitment, but partners should also be willing to assess their own processes, rather than laying the blame on their partner.

The purpose of premarital counselling is to prepare couples for the changing dynamics of married life. While a partner's quirks may be cute and adorable during the courting days, it may become irritating as time goes by. Premarital counselling provides an ideal opportunity for a couple to explore their relationship dynamics and to explore areas of potential conflict or issues. It will help them to develop the essential communication skills they will need to negotiate conflict.

Premarital counselling will help a couple to resolve their differences in a way that empowers the individuals while strengthening their emotional connection. Therapists use a number of strategies to help develop healthy and strong relationships by laying a firm foundation for a solid relationship. Premarital counselling helps to build a thriving marriage on the foundation of two healthy, conscious partners.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers premarital counselling and couple's issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Note: You may narrow your search by selecting more than one filter below.

Joanna Nicholson

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    • Online booking
Since 2017, I have been working in an oncology setting within the health care system. I understand that navigating illness can be incredibly lonely. Feelings of grief and depression are common reactions to health-... Read more

Deena Chochinov

M.Ed., RCC
    • Online booking
Deena is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with a private practice in Vancouver since 2000. She works with individuals, couples and families and uses a variety of therapeutic approaches to help clients find the self-... Read more

Ann-Marie Inoue

    • In-Person Sessions
    • Online booking
Do you feel dissatisfied or discontented with life? Is your relationship the source of pain and isolation? Do you constantly push people away that love you? Many people work hard to appear happy on the... Read more

Peter Vaughan

Certified Gottman Method Therapist, Peter frequently addresses couples communication during conflict, restoring fidelity and commitment, or building intimacy and sexuality. Other common issues: ongoing incompatibilities... Read more
    • Online booking
As you take the step towards finding a therapist, it’s important to find someone with whom you resonate,  as well as someone whose approach seems to fit for you.   Married, mom of 3 young... Read more

Ksenia Belova

    • Online booking
I work with people desiring stronger, deeper and more fulfilling relationships with themselves, and with other people. If you're struggling to feel well and to live the life you want, you may feel cut off from your... Read more

Jill Koehler

M.Couns., RCC
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So….you are thinking about counselling and wondering where to start, maybe: Your mind keeps spinning and you can’t find any peace. You are hard on yourself, but don’t know how else to keep... Read more

Olga Shchedrinskaya

M.Couns., RCC
    • Online booking
Having worked as a counsellor in a non-profit organization, private practice, and a mental health clinic, I bring more than 10 years of experience to my work with with individuals, couples, and families. My primary... Read more

Colin Evans

    • Online booking
Evans-Carlson Counselling believes in supporting individuals and couples in the growth that will help them take the next step towards health and wholeness.   Special Issues In-Focus: Each person coming to... Read more

Eli Norman

    • Online booking
I enjoy coming alongside my clients and helping them achieve personal growth, healing, and well-being. Facing problems alone can be overwhelming, whether it’s depression, anxiety, anger, mood swings, stress,... Read more

Erica Beauchamp

M.Ed., RCC
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Counselling is a Smart Investment in Yourself From time to time, we reward ourselves with a treat-a cup of coffee, a new electronic gadget, a massage, perhaps a new watch or clothing. However, we often forget the... Read more

Tannis Price

    • Online booking
I (she/her/hers) am a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC, #19352) with a Master’s degree in Counselling Psychology from Adler University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from the University of... Read more

Meredith MacKenzie

Meredith MacKenzie is a Registered Clinical Counsellor and owner of Parallel Wellness. She is a warm and genuine individual, couple and family therapist. She works with both adolescent and adult clients. She... Read more

Michele Maurer

    • Online booking
Appointments Available In-office and Virtually You invest yourself in your relationships. Individuals, couples and parents have done their best to cope since the pandemic, and it's taken a toll on... Read more

Virlyn Collantes

    • Online booking
About Me I offer individual and couples therapy whether in-person or virtual sessions. I am a fervent advocate for addressing the root causes of individuals' and couples' issues and firmly believe that every... Read more

Rosalyn Best Clark

M.Couns., RCC
Rosalyn Best, MoC, RCC #8656. Ros Best is passionate about counselling because she has so often witnessed its transformative power. She offers couples counselling, and counselling for life transitions, trauma, cancer... Read more

Peter M Williamson PhD

Ph.D., R.Psych
Dr. Peter Williamson is one of only 7 officially Certified Gottman Method Couples Therapists in the province of B.C. (at time of this writing - 9/2017). Although extensively trained and with 25+ years of expertise... Read more

Gary Hayre

    • Online booking
If you want effective change yet do not know how to achieve it, read on… When you find yourself stuck in old, unhelpful patterns that restrict the fullness of life and make relationships difficult, Gary may... Read more

Jadon Ward

The last few years have been hard on everyone, and you may have experienced new relationship tensions, financial stress, or anxiety about what the future might hold. Many people find themselves overwhelmed or... Read more

Eryn Wicker

I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the B.C. Association of Clinical Counsellors, and the founder and clinical director of Bliss Therapeutic Services. I am dedicated to providing professional, confidential and... Read more
    • Online booking
Welcome to Healing Horizons Therapy! I am accepting new clients for both individual and couples sessions. I am currently seeing clients online and in-person. To let you know a little about me, I have a master... Read more

John Boland

M.Ed., CCC
John Boland has been a counsellor/psychotherapist for 40 years and brings to his practice a wealth of experience in the areas of individual and couples therapy as well as many years working with children and youth. He... Read more

Elisa-Maria Chong

M.Ed., RCC
    • Online booking
Our lives each contain moments of great joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure, opportunity, and obstacle. At the center of these experiences is our innate search for connection. We need relationships, they are precious and... Read more

Cynthia Lamont

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    • Online booking
Cynthia Lamont is available to meet clients via the online Jane System, who are from both B.C. and Alberta. For Kelowna-based, in-person sessions, you can book directly through the website. Cynthia, a Registered... Read more

Clover Zeng

    • Online booking
Clover, with a Master's degree in Counselling Psychology, is a Registered Clinical Counsellor in BC. She works with clients at where they are and walk side by side with them until they reach the happy... Read more

Marilee Sigal

Psy.D., RCC
Unfortunately, I am unable to absorb any new clients at this time.  Our relationships with our parents, siblings, friends, lovers, spouses and children can be our greatest source of joy, and also provide our... Read more

Ruth Skutezky

    • Online booking
Is anxiety getting in the way of living your best life? Are you feeling disconnected from your partner, arguing more, or even having doubts about your future together? Are you a new parent, struggling to adjust to this... Read more

Sandy Hawkins

"Although feelings of stress, anxiety, depression or relationship conflict may sometimes seem all-encompassing, they do not define who we are. Therapy is a process, and I believe we are each the experts of our own... Read more

Alistair Gordon

    • Online booking
I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor and an Adjunct Professor of Counselling Psychology at the University of British Columbia. My therapeutic experience and focus is broad, encompassing the management of anxiety... Read more

Alita Dommann

Alita is an Adlerian Psychotherapist providing Individual and Couples Counselling. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor, Canadian Certified Counsellor, and Adler University Alumni. After working as a medical... Read more