Men's Issues Counsellors

Men's Issues

For centuries, men were defined as warriors who were responsible for providing and protecting their families, tribes and communities. Those restraining limitations that were imposed by cultural traditions limited men as far as emotions are concerned.However, modern psychology has rediscovered the differences between men and women and the role of male emotions, relationship dynamics and behaviour in men's issues.

The expectations and demands of our new modern world result in increasing stress levels, often related to relationships and work. Symptoms of male issues that are commonly seen in therapists' offices, include stress, anger, addiction, depression, relationship issues, and work adjustment issues.

A large percentage of men feel that they are inadequate in relationships and at work, and this leads to negative emotional states, shame and fear. These emotions usually stem from negative messages at home and at work. It is harder than ever for men to fulfill their traditional roles, as being the sole bread winner is unrealistic in today's economy, and more men are staying home while women are sole breadwinners.

Traditional roles, particularly in men who were predominantly raised by women, dictate that men are not supposed to show certain emotions. Men who feel the need for nurturance, feel ashamed at their display of emotion and vulnerability. If he experienced childhood abuse, or was raised by an overprotective mother, he may become excessively angry or hurt at perceived criticism, complaints or insults.

Men often perceive asking for help as shameful, or a sign of weakness. Therapy for men's issues was designed for men to vocally express their problems, in individual counselling, couples counselling or group therapy settings.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers men's issues to help with your stress and related issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Note: You may narrow your search by selecting more than one filter below.

Douglas Matear

Ed.D., CCC
    • In-Person Sessions
Douglas Matear is a Canadian Certified Counsellor providing Individual Counselling to adults, teens, and children.  He has a Master in Counselling Psychology and a Doctor of Education in Leadership and Policy.... Read more

Geoff Thompson

Ph.D., CCC
Geoff has demonstrated an exemplary ability to connect with clients while working with the Sunshine Coast Health Centre. An extensive background in both residential and outpatient addiction treatment has helped Geoff... Read more

Steven Lake

M.Ed., CCC
Dr. Lake has a PhD in Educational Administration. He has a personal interest in emotion and crisis management and created a Model Of Effective Crisis Management for his dissertation. His Master's degree is in... Read more

Adrian Juric

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To all appearances you’ve got a great life. You’re smart, driven, & successful. But privately, you sometimes struggle under the weight of negative thoughts and beliefs about who you are, what you are... Read more

Xavier Williams

I take an existential-phenomenological view when working with clients—which means that I seek to be open to whatever issues you bring to our sessions, without judgement or applying my interpretation. Together we... Read more

John Woychuk

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Let me bring my focused training and experience in working with adults with ADHD, Trauma and PTSD and Anxiety Disorders to support you in your counselling journey. I'm here to provide a safe... Read more

John Boland

M.Ed., CCC
John Boland has been a counsellor/psychotherapist for 40 years and brings to his practice a wealth of experience in the areas of individual and couples therapy as well as many years working with children and youth. He... Read more

Joe Ramirez

M.Couns., CCC
    • In-Person Sessions
Joe Ramirez, owner of, is a Canadian Certified Counsellor and an Adlerian psychotherapist with a Master of Counselling Psychology, providing Individual Counselling, Couples Counselling, and Sex... Read more

Jon Dickson

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Asking yourself questions like these: Is this authentic for me? Can I be me? Am I allowed to be myself? What is life asking me at this time? These important Life questions are openings, invitations, and horizons for... Read more

Lisa Webster

    • In-Person Sessions
  What makes Lisa stand out is her warm personality and her straight forward approach. With gentleness and humour, she guides clients to find their own insights, while providing tools and teaching techniques... Read more

Teesha Morgan

Dr. Teesha Morgan is a Psychotherapist, published author, adjunct professor, and co-founder of the Westland Academy of Clinical Sex Therapy and Westland Therapy Group. Dr Morgan specializes in Sex Therapy and Couples... Read more
    • Video on profile
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Who am I? I’m a psychotherapist in private practice in West Vancouver. I conduct in-person, FaceTime, Skype, and Zoom sessions Mon-Fri. I work with individuals, couples, and families in the following practice... Read more

Jay Hails

M.Ed., CCC
    • Online booking
My strength lies in helping you identify and celebrate your own unique strengths. The fact that you're looking here for help already tells me you're strong. If you’re overwhelmed or stuck, or you’... Read more

Candice Seligman

    • Online booking
Are you feeling ready for a deeper layer of healing? I am a somatic soul-based therapist who approaches therapy and healing from an embodied, compassionate, empowering, trauma-informed, and holistic perspective. By... Read more

Ryan Boyer

M.Ed., CCC
    • Online booking
I support those who are struggling with their connection to self, and others feeling lost, alone, and/or stuck in life. I support men to connect with healthy mascuinity. I am a transpersonal therapist who believes in... Read more