
Understanding Grief

June 18th, 2022

If you or a loved one are suffering from grief, it’s helpful to have an understanding of what to expect. Having understood grief better, it is helpful to have some ways of coping with it or supporting another to cope with it as best as you can. What experiences does grief involve?

The Antidote for Perfectionism

June 16th, 2022

The challenge of being seen is that in order to be seen, we need to show our true, messy selves. The self that we aren’t sure others would find acceptable, the one we tell ourselves others might reject or dismiss would need to be shown.

Three Core Beliefs Caused by Neglect and How It Shows Up Later in Life

May 10th, 2022
In: Trauma

  Three Core Beliefs Caused by Neglect and How It Shows Up Later in Life Being neglected is a very painful and traumatic experience for a child. As human beings, we have brains that are wired to receive love, connection and nurturing from our caregivers when we come into this world. When our caregivers do not respond to our physical and emotional needs, the alarm system in our brain goes off ,which often leads to depression and anxiety later in life. Different Forms of Neglect:

The Paradox of Allowing Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression can often feel like a battle. There may be thoughts that “it shouldn’t be happening” or that “you should be able to overcome this”. Ongoing anxiety and depression trigger natural responses to fight, escape or give up - but none of these responses seem to work. In fact, these responses keep anxiety and depression in place. There is another option that brings you back into your power - allowing. The battle ends when depression and anxiety are no longer seen as a battle. 

Giving Honest Advice to a Friend About Their Relationship Difficulties

April 6th, 2022

People often turn to their friends for support with difficulties in their romantic relationship and bluntly ask for their opinion. Rarely, if ever, does any good come from providing candid opinions about others’ relationships – particularly when the stakes are high (if they’ve been together for a long time or have children, for example). Some of the difficult-category questions we receive may range from ‘do you like my partner’ to ‘should I stay with them’ or ‘do you think they are cheating?’.


March 31st, 2022

So you or someone you love is a student working online….at the clinic we find that students have been hit pretty hard with mental health challenges since the pandemic including increased anxiety, loneliness, and even hopelessness. It’s been hard to adapt to online learning and stay inspired!

How to Practice Mindful Eating

March 24th, 2022

Mindfulness can be defined as the action to observe what is happening while it is happening, in a non-judgmental and non-reactive way. While practicing mindfulness, you learn to pay attention to external stimuli (what you see, hear, touch, smell or taste) as well as internal stimuli (your body sensations, emotions and thoughts). One way to practice mindfulness is through mindful eating. 

How to be a Great Listener: Tips on Strengthening Relationships

March 21st, 2022

Have you ever struggled with effectively communicating in a relationship? Do you often feel others aren’t listening well to you? Well – one of the best things we can do when we feel someone in our life isn’t listening to us well, is to focus on being a better listener toward them.

How Disconnecting from Social Media Leads to More Connection

March 17th, 2022

Our technological world is rapidly expanding. Fifteen years ago when many teenagers were getting their first cell phones, they were only able to call and do simple texting messaging. Now, most adults and teens alike have a computer in their pockets. We are more connected than ever. But are we really? Of course, with any technological advances, there are positives and negatives. Here, we are going to be talking about social media in particular and how disconnecting from social media leads to more connections.  Positives and Negatives of Social Media

How to Manage Self-Critical Voices and Become More Self-Compassionate

March 15th, 2022

Managing Self-Critical Voices We all have that little voice in our heads. Sometimes it can be really helpful and motivate us to accomplish our goals, but other times it can be overly critical. When our self-talk becomes overly critical, it not only has a negative impact on our minds but also on our bodies as well as the people around us. So, it’s important to learn to manage our self-critical voices and practice being more self-compassionate


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