Addictions - Gambling, Anxiety and/or Panic, Grief and Loss - General, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Sexuality Emotion Focused Therapy

Addictions - Gambling, Anxiety and/or Panic, Grief and Loss - General, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Sexuality

Gambling addiction, as other addictions, starts innocently and escalates to uncontrollable levels. Whether the habit involves online gambling or casino games, it can be harmful and lead to financial and relationship ruin. Gambling addiction can turn a very honest person into someone who steals money to fund the habit.  Like other addictions, gambling addiction features a lack of self-control which results in a lack of control in various other areas of a person's life. Recognising the danger signs and acknowledging the problem is the first step to healing.

Gambling addiction is an invisible disease, in the sense that there are no physical symptoms. The first sign of gambling addiction is the urge to gamble, despite the desire to quit. Most problem gamblers will deny or trivialize their addiction. However, they will often sneak around to feed their addiction, or lie about it. The condition affects their loved ones, from whom they will usually withdraw.

If you feel the need to hide your gambling habits, or lie about it, or if you want to stop gambling, but can't, you may have a gambling addiction. It's common for gamblers to want to up bets to win back their lost money, and to want to gamble even when there is no money left.

Psychotherapists offer a range of psychodynamic therapies to deal with uncontrollable, self-destructive and impulsive behaviors, including gambling addiction. Cognitive-behavioral therapy has been found to be effective in dealing with gambling addiction but therapists often use other approaches as well. The therapists in this directory use a range of different approaches, including counselling, peer support, self-help programs, and step-based programs.

If you need a counsellor or psychologist to help you address the effects of gambling addiction, you can search the directory below to find a professional with the approach best suited to your situation.


Grief is a natural part of dealing with the loss of a loved one, or a situation, or a way in which we see ourselves. Loss requires that we change the way things used to be and find a new way to restructure our lives accordingly. It's common for people to fear change, particularly if a part of us, or a person we loved deeply, is no longer there. It leaves a gap that has to be filled, but nothing can replace the person who has left us behind.

People deal with loss in many different ways, but the desired end result is the same - trying to piece together the puzzle to the best of our ability, without the missing piece. We also go through the various stages of grief at varying speeds and intensities. Dealing with all the emotions that form part of grief is what makes support so very important.

Time is of the essence during the grieving period, and something we sometimes tend to rush. That's why it's so useful to speak to a therapist who does grief counselling during this time.

A therapist will help you understand that what you are feeling is completely normal and even expected. Medical professionals are aware of the wide range of natural responses to grief and loss and are generally reluctant to diagnose mental illness while a person is in a period of bereavement. However, if depression is present, medication is likely to be prescribed.

Grief therapy will help you to accept the loss and be able to talk about it without breaking down. You will learn to identify and express your emotions regarding the loss and learn to make decisions without your loved one.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist does grief counselling to address your grief and loss you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety disorder that usually starts within the three months of a traumatic incident. It has been reported that in rare cases, PTSD symptoms may only occur after a number of years.

Three groups of symptoms are present in people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Increased anxiety / emotional arousal includes anger or irritability, overwhelming shame or guilt, sleeplessness and self-destructive behaviour. The second group of symptoms, known as intrusive memories, causes flashbacks to the traumatic event and upsetting dreams. The third group of symptoms that a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder patient may experience, includes emotional numbing or avoidance. This group of symptoms includes memory problems, poor concentration, feeling emotionally numb, a sense of hopelessness, and an avoidance of activities that the person used to find enjoyable.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms may be present for a while, disappear and then return again. General stress may increase the symptoms, as can reminders of the traumatic incident.

Therapists who address  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder generally use one, or a combination of trauma therapies to treat it. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is commonly used and can help a person to change their reactions to traumatic memories.

Exposure therapy can help a person reduce the amount of fear related to the feelings and thoughts associated with past traumatic events. Cognitive therapy helps a person to change the way he or she thinks about the event and the aftermath of a traumatic incident. It will help a person to identify thoughts that cause fear and anger, and learn ways to replace those thoughts with less stressful and more empowering thoughts.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and related issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Sexuality is an important part of society and relationships in particular. Issues with sexuality are usually an indication of more serious relationship problems. Sex should be a natural and healthy part of a committed relationship, but problems can crop up at any time.

One partner might use the frequency of sex as an indication of their value in the relationship and a measurement as to how much he or she is loved, while the other person values intimacy. Unsatisfactory sex might reveal the partners' deeper levels of control, love and trust, and highlight issues that need further exploration.

Many issues can cause unnecessary stress in a relationship, such as negative childhood attitudes to sexuality. Cultural pressures can also place undue demands on a couple. Traumatic sexual experiences can also emerge at any time.

A therapist can help a couple deal with sexuality issues, helping them to make their own rules regarding sex. They can explore issues with sexuality, such as cultural taboos and family myths,  in a safe environment that is free from judgment.

Relationship counselling can help sexuality issues by helping the couple explore physical communication and allowing both partners to understand the meaning of sex within the bounds of the relationships. Power and control are two of the biggest issues with sexuality in a relationship, while sexual withdrawal is a way for one partner to express disappointment and anger, which are forbidden outside the bedroom.

These are just some of the myriad sexuality related issues that may cause problems in relationships, with which therapists could assist. Sexual dysfunction can be assisted through psychosexual therapy.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers sexual counselling and other sexuality issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Emotion Focused Therapy, Humanistic Therapy

Note:  Some practitioners practice Emotionally Focused Therapy rather than Emotional Focused therapy.  You will want to confirm that it is indeed Emotion Focused Therapy that the counsellor/psychologist practices.  

Humanistic Therapy highly regards the value of human beings and their ability and willingness to develop competence and self-respect. As such, humanistic therapy can help people to use interpersonal skills to help maximize an individual's life experience.

Most therapists who practice Humanistic Therapy integrate social and cultural issues into their approach. The approach focuses on recognizing and improving on the individual's capabilities in choice, personal growth and creativity.

Humanistic therapy aims to learn about human perception of themselves in the moment and to recognize personal growth, responsibilities and self-direction. An optimistic approach, humanistic therapy helps individuals realize their inner strengths through an understanding and non-judgmental interaction.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Humanistic Therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Note: You may narrow your search by selecting more than one filter below.

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M.A., R.Psych
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