
Ruminating A Lot?

June 30th, 2024
In: Anxiety

Finding yourself ruminating? Thinking about people in a negative way? Or having critical thoughts about your own behaviour? Thinking on things is normal. But if you are ruminating for so much of the day that it is getting in the way of being able to complete daily tasks like focusing at work or school, exercising, parenting or putting time into your friendships or marriage then the ruminating might be worth treating.  

Feeling Stuck or Not "In Love" in Your Romantic Relationship? Or, Having Frequent Arguments?

May 15th, 2024

Are you feeling stifled in your relationship? Not sure if you are in love anymore? Having an increased frequency of arguments? You might be in the stage of your relationship where you're negotiating your needs with your partner's needs.  Couples Experts Ellyn Bader and her partner Peter saw over 50, 000 couples in the United States and created the Developmental Model of Couple Relationships: A Positive Outlook on How Relationships Develop.

GRIT: Tools to Be Mentally Strong

April 9th, 2024
In: Anxiety

Do you find yourself easily thrown off? If something goes wrong at work are you ruminating for days or weeks? If you don't get a text returned do you feel so hurt that you can't study, go to the gym or even get out of bed? Making space for feelings is important, yes. In recent years, however,  I see an increased number of people who are suffering from an inability to gather themselves, to muster, to gain perspective, and to carry on. If this resonates with you keep reading. How do we get grit?

Not Making Headway on Your Life Goals?

March 6th, 2024

Let's do a check-in:  Are you where you want to be in life- Financially? Romantically? Parenthood- or Career-wise? If yes, great. If not, what's gotten in the way? Two actions need to be practiced to get to living the life you want. First is knowing what your goal is. And that takes defining what you want and with a timeline. For example, "I'd like to own a home by the time I am 40". Or "I want to give birth to my first child before my 35th birthday." If this is easy for you, great. 

Boundaries with Others

January 28th, 2024

Are you getting burnt out by someone in your life? Do you feel resentment towards them? Are you exhausted? Do you feel guilty for not being able to maintain a lot of contact with them? Ask yourself this: Are you good at setting boundaries with others? Setting boundaries with others is a healthy way to preserve a relationship. When we constantly go beyond our limit with others we end up feeling resentful and wanting to avoid contact. We stay on the phone longer than we'd like, or spend money we don't have on them, or always go over to their house. 

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