Dissociative Disorders Shame Counselling & Therapy

Dissociative Disorders

Dissociative disorders are common reactions, or defenses, to traumatic or stressful situations. It is normal for someone who has experienced a severe isolated trauma, or repeated traumas, such as abuse or domestic violence, to develop a dissociative disorders.

The main symptom of dissociative disorders is the fact that it alters a person's sense of identity, consciousness or memory. These symptoms are no less common than depression or anxiety, yet many individuals with dissociative disorders are frequently misdiagnosed. It could take years for the correct diagnosis to be made, and therefore, effective treatment is often delayed. During this time, they are often treated for headaches, psychotic symptoms, hearing voices, temper outbursts, poor concentration, memory lapses, mood swings, substance abuse, temper outbursts and more. Common misdiagnosis for dissociative disorders include Bipolar disorder, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, ADHD, and substance abuse.

Experienced mental health professionals know how to spot the hidden symptoms of dissociative disorders. They use scientifically proven diagnostic tests to arrive at the conclusion of dissociative disorders.

A wide range of therapies are used for dissociative disorders. It involves the client talking to the therapist about his or her  condition and related issues. The therapist will help the client understand the causes of the condition and finding coping strategies to cope with stressful situations. In some cases, hypnotherapy can help the client understand what triggered the dissociative disorder.

Some of the other treatment options that have been proven to help dissociative disorders, include creative art therapy and cognitive therapy. Applied by a qualified therapist, these methods can help you change your thinking and find beneficial behaviours that will improve your life.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers dissociative disorders therapy to address your symptoms, you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Shame Counselling & Therapy

There are a variety of approaches to address the issue of shame.  One of them is the Shame Resilience method is based on the research of Brené Brown, Ph.D. LMSW. 

Shame Resilience is the developed ability to practice authenticity when we experience shame, to move through the experience without sacrificing our values, and to come out on the other side of the shame experience with more courage, compassion, and connection than we had going into it.

Shame Resilience is about moving from shame to empathy- the real antidote to shame. Self-compassion is also critically important, because when we’re able to be tender with ourselves in the midst of shame we’re more likely to reach out, connect and experience empathy.

Other approaches, like Complex Integration of Multiple Brain Systems (CIMBS)  uses what is called a systems perspective that can address how an individual has learned to respond due to early trauma and or other developmental experiences.

Approaches to shame are not limited to the above.  There are many other therapies that address feeling.

If you do contact a therapist regarding shame issues please make sure that you ask them about their training in this area and choose a therapist whose approach makes sense to you.


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Derian Julihn

Derian Julihn

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Hi, I’m Derian Julihn (he/him/his). I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) and a Canadian Clinical Counsellor (CCC) practicing in Langley. I have almost 20 years of experience supporting vulnerable youth and... Read more
Audrey Carriere

Audrey Carriere

M.Couns., RCC
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Madeleine Sullivan

Madeleine Sullivan

M.Ed., RCC
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You will receive a warm, kind, caring, compassionate, non-judgmental approach to counselling to empower you to move forward with your life, and to create a positive and compassionate belief about... Read more