Online / Virtual / Telehealth Counselling

Online / Virtual / Telehealth Counselling, Moral Injury

Online Counselling or Online Internet Psychotherapy uses common technology to create major shifts in clients' emotional health. It is suitable to clients who wish to enjoy therapy from the comfort of their own homes, and therapists have noticed an increase in patients seeking help using this medium.

In order to attend online counselling sessions, clients and the therapist need access to fast internet connections and webcams. Online counselling is particularly useful for clients who can't leave home, or live far away from a therapist.

While online counselling is effective for helping with anxiety and other emotional conditions, it does not replace medical assistance in emergencies.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Online Counselling, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Damage done to one's conscience or moral compass when that person perpetrates, witnesses, or fails to prevent acts that transgress one's own moral beliefs, values, or ethical codes of conduct.

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Julie Kang

    • Online booking
JULIE KANG MA RCC Counselling is a collaborative process focused on helping people to improve their mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. Techniques used in counselling can vary but often involve... Read more

Josh Ruberg

M.Ed., RCC
    • Online booking
Stuck. Alone. Overwhelmed. Those are the words clients often connect with. Perhaps you have tried everything you can think of to change things. Maybe you've tried everything your friends and family can think of... Read more

Stephenie Torpey

M.C., R.Psych
    • Video on profile
    • Online booking
We all have the potential to make meaningful changes to build a life worth living well.  I have specialized training in helping adults with various concerns such as trauma/PTSD, anxiety (general, social, panic... Read more