
Don't Let Guilt Set Your Schedule: Learn how to say no and reduce the yoke of guilt

January 5th, 2022

Few good decisions or actions come as a result of guilt. It’s not a desirable emotion and is definitely something we’d like to avoid. Perhaps this is because we don’t feel a twinge of guilt, instead it’s a sensation akin to a blow to the gut or a very heavy yoke on our shoulders. Learning how to identify guilt-causing situations and respond in ways to prevent guilt is an important skill to build in order to avoid the discomfort.

A Personalized Approach to Depression: Exercise is not depression’s holy grail

October 25th, 2021

Depression ain’t what it used to be. And that is a good thing. The turn of the 21st century gave depression a better identity. Gone are the days when people with depression hid in the back bedroom, were shunned or worst of all, confined to an institution with barbaric practices like those seen in the movies and media.

Self-Care Includes Cleaning Up Your Friendships

January 2nd, 2021

Identify the Vampires Among Your Friends and Make Changes When it comes to friendship, a few good sayings have come up over the years that have been said in different ways by different people:          “You can choose your friends but not your family”          “Friends are the family we choose” These quotes imply that we have a choice in who we spend time and surround ourselves with. Unlike family, where genetics or lineage trump choice.

Grief: Simple But Not Easy

October 15th, 2019

Exploring ways to deal with loss When we lose something significant to our life, it is usually followed by grief and while grief’s start point is definite – at that point of loss, or the anticipation of the loss – the end point is nebulous. It may be this uncertain end point that contributes to the pain of grief and the fact that it is a process everyone goes through.

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