
How to Practice Self-Compassion

March 14th, 2022

We often hear that we need to be kinder and less critical of ourselves, but that’s easier said than done. Often, our self-critical thoughts have been developed over so many years that we hardly even notice them happening anymore. Or, at times, we may believe we need this type of ‘tough love’ in order to motivate ourselves to be better (that we will be ‘soft’ if we are too kind to ourselves). This is untrue. Repeated criticism results in increased levels of cortisol and adrenaline, which leads to the body trying to protect itself by beginning to shut down (e.g., depression).

How to Determine Our Values for more Values-Based Living

March 11th, 2022

Are you ever faced with a decision that feels impossible to make? Most of us probably have at one point or another. Sometimes this difficulty in decision making is a result of competing values. For example, you have a big work presentation tomorrow and you really value work, but your kid comes home from school and had a bad day and could use some support and you also value your family. This decision requires you to decide which you value more. For some, making that decision may be easy, for others, it’s less black and white. 

Working from home – How to create good habits and find balance

March 9th, 2022

Since the beginning of COVID-19, a lot of you had to transition to working from home. Working from home has its positive aspects: more flexibility, more time available, fewer expenses, the possibility to wear more comfortable clothes, the opportunity to work everywhere: in a coffee shop, on your couch or even in your bed, the possibility to take care of children/pet/house chores during the day, etc.  Even though it sounds good on paper, a lot of home-workers have reported feeling unhealthy and unbalanced since they had to make this transition. 

4 Steps to Transforming Anxiety

March 1st, 2022
In: Anxiety

There are plenty of reasons to feel anxious both on a global level, from pandemics and war, to personal reasons such major life changes and the pressures of relationships and daily life. At its heart, anxiety is based on a fearful prediction of the future. Fear is programmed into humans as a survival mechanism so we know that it serves a useful function. In a way we need anxiety – but the question is what about anxiety is purposeful and what about it is harmful?

5 Tips on Taking Care of your Relationship

February 25th, 2022

Relationships. This is what research is showing us: “People who work on their relationships and stay in relationships are happier”, explains Dr. Waldinger in summarizing the Harvard Study of Adult Development that followed more than 700 men from 1938 until now. The research found that:

Impacts of workplace bullying and harassment on mental health

February 11th, 2022
In: Trauma

J reported that he has been being harassed by his co-worker for the last two years as retaliation after a prior minor conflict. The patterns of harassment involve humiliation, intimidation, offensive behaviors and statements, spreading of groundless rumors, and so on. The bully tries to intimidate J by constantly giving J nasty looks and gestures as if he is going to hurt him, or waiting for J to fail at something so he can report it to the manager. J does not feel safe in front of the bully, as he is targeted.

5 Strategies For Anxiety Relief

January 24th, 2022
In: Anxiety

Here are some tools to help manage the uncomfortable sensations and thoughts that accompany anxiety. 1. Acknowledge and accept your anxiety. Fighting and judging your anxiety will only increase your discomfort and distress. Allowing the sensations of anxiety while telling yourself that, “this is in fact okay”, may seem counterintuitive but worth a try. Breathe and notice that you are okay regardless of the discomfort. Do not hesitate to seek professional help for anxiety therapy, and try implementing some Stress Relief Tips whenever you can.

Navigating Anger in Communication

January 12th, 2022

Some of the biggest challenges we face on a day-to-day basis is communicating with others. It’s hard enough to be aware of what we are thinking and feeling, let alone communicating what that is effectively to others. When we are irritated, annoyed, frustrated, angry or enraged (all gradients along the spectrum of anger) it becomes even more challenging.

Don't Let Guilt Set Your Schedule: Learn how to say no and reduce the yoke of guilt

January 5th, 2022

Few good decisions or actions come as a result of guilt. It’s not a desirable emotion and is definitely something we’d like to avoid. Perhaps this is because we don’t feel a twinge of guilt, instead it’s a sensation akin to a blow to the gut or a very heavy yoke on our shoulders. Learning how to identify guilt-causing situations and respond in ways to prevent guilt is an important skill to build in order to avoid the discomfort.


January 4th, 2022
In: Anxiety

Now, perhaps more than ever, we need to look after our mental health and equip ourselves with the information and strategies to manage our mood, anxiety and calm our bodies.


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