I'm not so much of a "New Year Resolutions" person. I'm more of a "Create a Life you Like and Live it Everyday" kind of person. People come in to my office any time of the year, January or otherwise, to work on being happier, being more confident, being healthier, and being braver.
What do you like spending your day doing? Being in nature? Being in front of a computer? Playing with your kids?
And what are you actually spending your time doing? Listening to others vent? Commiserating about how hard life is? Numbing out on your phone?
It's ok to do things you really want to be doing. Really.
And it's ok to work towards goals that are important to you.
What are you interested in? Starting a family in the next 3 years? Reading weekly? Having a healthy and strong body? Having self confidence? Being in a relationship with someone who respects you and who you respect in return? Learning a hobby and keeping it up?
Come and learn what's getting in the way of living the life you want. Stop living a life for your parents or for your partner. Get curious about yourself. Get support to be brave to go after what you want. Start making progress towards have the day to day experience you've been hoping for.