Job Transition Self Regulation Therapy (SRT)

Job Transition

Job transition, like many other changes, can be stressful. Many people fear change and while a job transition is often an exciting prospect with additional perks and more money, it can still require some adjustments that might leave you feeling stressed, anxious and overwhelmed.

In some cases, job transitions are out of your control. When you are forced to take a transfer to a different department, there can be an increased workload with a lot of new processes and systems to learn. A transfer to another city is a major transition, particularly if you have to commute daily or weekly, or if it requires for you to move away ahead of your family. The stress of learning the ropes of a new job while getting used to living in a new home, in a new city and maintaining relationships with loved ones at home, could leave you wondering whether you have made the right decision.

Some career transitions are even more difficult. If downscaling, retrenchment or illness forced you to put your dream career on hold, or step away from it completely, it could leave you feeling hopeless and depressed.

Therapy is a must if your career has left you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, hopeless, bored, or depressed. With the help of a therapist and cognitive behavior therapy, you can gain a new perspective on your situation and regain the passion you once had. It can re-energize you emotionally and help you to turn your weaknesses into career-optimizing strengths. Most people spend about one third of their lives working and it is essential to make sure those hours are as happy as possible.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers career counselling to address job transition issues, you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Self Regulation Therapy (SRT), Brief Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Online / Virtual / Telehealth Counselling, AEDP, Shame Counselling & Therapy

Self Regulation Therapy (SRT) offers a mind-body approach to reducing excess nervous activation. With roots in neurobiology, SRT reflects the human's built-in automatic response to threat or novelty.

The nervous system changes as the result of negative events, but Self Regulation Therapy (SRT) helps the nervous system to integrate these events and balance the nervous system.

Self Regulation Therapy (SRT) takes place in a contained environment where the client feels safe. It helps to develop new neural pathways to help the client to develop flexibility and to better handle daily stresses and challenges.

Self Regulation Therapy (SRT) can help the symptoms of dysregulation, including mood disorders, personality disorders, PTSD, stress and anxiety disorders, and physical issues such as chronic pain, asthma, migraines and insomnia.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Self Regulation Therapy (SRT), please browse our list of practitioners below..

Brief therapy focuses on a client's present and future, rather than his or her past and it builds solutions. Many brief therapists never explore their clients' past problems, but rather focus on the present with goals for creating a positive future.

Psychologists who offer brief therapy take a more pro-active approach to offer faster care for subjective and clinical conditions. This type of therapy creates natural resources and temporarily suspends disbelief to help the client consider a range of new viewpoints or perspectives. It provides a wider context for the client to view the present, and better understandings that can bring about spontaneous change.

Unlike other therapies that focus on the problem, brief therapy is solution-based. It removes the factors that sustain a problem and prevent change. Brief therapists understands that there are many approaches that, combined, can bring about ultimate success.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers brief therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a psychological approach that deals with the way in which clients think about themselves, other people and the world. The outside world affects how we think and feel about ourselves and as a result, our behaviour. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can help a person to change the way they think about thoughts and feelings, but it is not like other types of talk therapy.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy focuses on current issues and challenges that affect the client right now. It doesn't consider the past issues that caused distress, but rather looks for solutions that can improve the client's state of mind in the moment. Much of CBT involves looking at thought distortions that can affect mood and are affected by mood, and helps client examine and challenge distorted thinking patters.

CBT can help a range of problems, from OCD, PTSD, bulimia, stress, phobias and other issues that might seem overwhelming to the client, by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable chunks.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Online Counselling or Online Internet Psychotherapy uses common technology to create major shifts in clients' emotional health. It is suitable to clients who wish to enjoy therapy from the comfort of their own homes, and therapists have noticed an increase in patients seeking help using this medium.

In order to attend online counselling sessions, clients and the therapist need access to fast internet connections and webcams. Online counselling is particularly useful for clients who can't leave home, or live far away from a therapist.

While online counselling is effective for helping with anxiety and other emotional conditions, it does not replace medical assistance in emergencies.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Online Counselling, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Accelerated experiential-dynamic psychotherapy focuses on techniques to bring about healing and helping clients to achieve behaviour transformation. The outcomes are facilitated through a exploring difficult experiences that have had a profound relational or emotional effect on the client's life experience.

Dr. Diana Fosha developed this innovative approach which is closely related to other disciplines, including body-focused approaches, affective neuroscience and attachment theory. The goal of Accelerated experiential-dynamic psychotherapy is to tap into the client's untapped inner resources for healing. The AEDP approach equips clients with the skills they require to confront and deal with emotional traumas, instead of resorting to defensive tactics, which is a common knee-jerk reaction. It allows the client to see their own internal coping skills that were hidden before, and to wake those inner strengths to become a natural response to life's circumstances.

If you are looking for a counsellor who offers AEDP therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

There are a variety of approaches to address the issue of shame.  One of them is the Shame Resilience method is based on the research of Brené Brown, Ph.D. LMSW. 

Shame Resilience is the developed ability to practice authenticity when we experience shame, to move through the experience without sacrificing our values, and to come out on the other side of the shame experience with more courage, compassion, and connection than we had going into it.

Shame Resilience is about moving from shame to empathy- the real antidote to shame. Self-compassion is also critically important, because when we’re able to be tender with ourselves in the midst of shame we’re more likely to reach out, connect and experience empathy.

Other approaches, like Complex Integration of Multiple Brain Systems (CIMBS)  uses what is called a systems perspective that can address how an individual has learned to respond due to early trauma and or other developmental experiences.

Approaches to shame are not limited to the above.  There are many other therapies that address feeling.

If you do contact a therapist regarding shame issues please make sure that you ask them about their training in this area and choose a therapist whose approach makes sense to you.


Eleanor Rogers

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Eleanor Rogers is a Registered Clinical Counsellor offering remote counselling in British Columbia including Burnaby, Greater Vancouver, and Vancouver Island. I work with clients who are in the midst of... Read more