Grief and Loss - General, Job Transition Critical Incident Stress Management

Grief and Loss - General, Job Transition

Grief is a natural part of dealing with the loss of a loved one, or a situation, or a way in which we see ourselves. Loss requires that we change the way things used to be and find a new way to restructure our lives accordingly. It's common for people to fear change, particularly if a part of us, or a person we loved deeply, is no longer there. It leaves a gap that has to be filled, but nothing can replace the person who has left us behind.

People deal with loss in many different ways, but the desired end result is the same - trying to piece together the puzzle to the best of our ability, without the missing piece. We also go through the various stages of grief at varying speeds and intensities. Dealing with all the emotions that form part of grief is what makes support so very important.

Time is of the essence during the grieving period, and something we sometimes tend to rush. That's why it's so useful to speak to a therapist who does grief counselling during this time.

A therapist will help you understand that what you are feeling is completely normal and even expected. Medical professionals are aware of the wide range of natural responses to grief and loss and are generally reluctant to diagnose mental illness while a person is in a period of bereavement. However, if depression is present, medication is likely to be prescribed.

Grief therapy will help you to accept the loss and be able to talk about it without breaking down. You will learn to identify and express your emotions regarding the loss and learn to make decisions without your loved one.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist does grief counselling to address your grief and loss you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Job transition, like many other changes, can be stressful. Many people fear change and while a job transition is often an exciting prospect with additional perks and more money, it can still require some adjustments that might leave you feeling stressed, anxious and overwhelmed.

In some cases, job transitions are out of your control. When you are forced to take a transfer to a different department, there can be an increased workload with a lot of new processes and systems to learn. A transfer to another city is a major transition, particularly if you have to commute daily or weekly, or if it requires for you to move away ahead of your family. The stress of learning the ropes of a new job while getting used to living in a new home, in a new city and maintaining relationships with loved ones at home, could leave you wondering whether you have made the right decision.

Some career transitions are even more difficult. If downscaling, retrenchment or illness forced you to put your dream career on hold, or step away from it completely, it could leave you feeling hopeless and depressed.

Therapy is a must if your career has left you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, hopeless, bored, or depressed. With the help of a therapist and cognitive behavior therapy, you can gain a new perspective on your situation and regain the passion you once had. It can re-energize you emotionally and help you to turn your weaknesses into career-optimizing strengths. Most people spend about one third of their lives working and it is essential to make sure those hours are as happy as possible.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers career counselling to address job transition issues, you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Critical Incident Stress Management, Motivational Interviewing, Humanistic Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Emotion Focused Therapy

Motivational Interviewing is a short term treatment approach, which is specifically aimed at strengthening the client's commitment for, and motivation to change. This approach is widely recognized and is used in a number of applications, including substance abuse, rehabilitation, social work, criminal justice, schools, coaching and in health promotion.

During a Motivational Interviewing session, the therapist will make sure that the client feels understood and supported. The therapist will also assure the client that his or her emotions are normal and expected, in anticipation of the great changes ahead. The key to Motivational Interviewing is to juxtapose the client's goals and behaviours that may stand in the way of success. Motivational Interviewing  can help a client recognize behavioural issues that are not conducive to success.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Motivational Interviewing, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Humanistic Therapy highly regards the value of human beings and their ability and willingness to develop competence and self-respect. As such, humanistic therapy can help people to use interpersonal skills to help maximize an individual's life experience.

Most therapists who practice Humanistic Therapy integrate social and cultural issues into their approach. The approach focuses on recognizing and improving on the individual's capabilities in choice, personal growth and creativity.

Humanistic therapy aims to learn about human perception of themselves in the moment and to recognize personal growth, responsibilities and self-direction. An optimistic approach, humanistic therapy helps individuals realize their inner strengths through an understanding and non-judgmental interaction.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Humanistic Therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Psychodynamic Therapy can help clients to become aware of feelings of vulnerability that have been repressed from their conscious awareness. This approach is based on the theory that every person has an unconscious which stores vulnerable and painful emotions that are too deep to handle on a conscious level.

Psychodynamic Therapy addresses the defense mechanisms that  have been developed. Defense mechanisms can sometimes do more harm than good. By resolving vulnerabilities such as repression and denial, painful emotions and memories can be processed in order for the defense mechanisms to be resolved, or reduced.

Therapists use a range of core principles in Psychodynamic Therapy, based on the client's needs. It will help the client to gain perspective while recognizing behaviours, actions, responses and character traits that can be transformed.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Psychodynamic Therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Note:  Some practitioners practice Emotionally Focused Therapy rather than Emotional Focused therapy.  You will want to confirm that it is indeed Emotion Focused Therapy that the counsellor/psychologist practices.  

Elizabeth Medina

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Hello! My name is Elizabeth Medina, I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the BCACC, and I hold a master’s degree in Counselling Psychology. I am currently working at Skylark Counselling Clinic in Downtown... Read more