Counselling Victoria - Perfectionism Counsellors, Psychologists, Therapists in Victoria

Nanaimo, Victoria

Counselling Nanaimo contains information about counsellors, psychologists, and therapists in the Nanaimo area. These counsellors, psychologists, and therapists may assist individuals, couples and/or families. As is typical with trained counselling professionals they may vary in their areas of expertise. Many will be able to provide anger management counselling, depression counselling, anxiety counselling, marriage counselling, and trauma counselling.

These Nanaimo counselling professionals have designations from the following list:

Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC), Registered Psychologist (R Psych), Registered Social Worker (RSW), Certified Canadian Counsellor (CCC), American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT), Registered Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT), and Registered Art Therapist (BCATR).

Nanaimo consists of the following neighbourhoods:

Brechin Hill, Chase River, Cinnabar Valley, College Heights, Departure Bay, Diver's Lake, Dover Bay, Hammond Bay, Harewood, Hospital, Jingle Pot, North Nanaimo, Old City, Uplands

Explore the information within the counselling listings for Nanaimo to get a better sense of which counselling professional might be a match for you.

If you want to search a nearby city then click on the check mark for Nanaimo to unselect it and choose another city.

Counselling Victoria contains information about counsellors, psychologists, and therapists in the Victoria area. These counsellors, psychologists, and therapists may assist individuals, couples and/or families. As is typical with trained counselling professionals they may vary in their areas of expertise. Many will be able to address anger management issues, depression, anxiety and relationship issues.

Victoria consists of the following neighbourhoods:

Victoria: Burnside Gorge, Downtown, Fairfield/Gonzales, Fernwood, Harris Green, Hillside-Quadra, James Bay, North and South Jubilee, North Park, Oaklands, Rockland, Victoria West

Esquimalt: Kinsmen Park, Gorge Vale, Rockheights, Old Esquimalt, Saxe Point

Oak Bay: Henderson, Uplands, Estevan, North Oak Bay, South Oak Bay, Gonzales

Saanich East: Cordova Bay, Sunnymead, Broadmead, Mt. Doug, Gordon Head, Blenkinsop, Lambrick Park, Lake Hill, High Quadra, Arbutus, Queenswood, Ten Mile Point, Cadboro Bay, Camosun, Mt. Tolmie, Cedar Hill, Quadra, Swan Lake, Maplewood

Saanich West: Willis Point, West Saanich, Elk Lake, Prospect Lake, Beaver Lake, Royal Oak, Northridge, Layritz, Interurban, Glanford, Strawberry Vale, Granville, Marigold, Tillicum, Gateway, Rudd Park, Gorge, Portage Inlet

Central Saanich: Inlet, Saanichton, Hawthorne, Turgoose, Island View, Martindale, Tanner, Keating, Oldfield, Brentwood Bay

View Royal: Prior Lake, Hospital, Six Mile, View Royal, Glentana

Colwood: Colwood Corners, Colwood Lake, Royal Roads, Hatley Park, Sun Ridge, Wishart North, Triangle, Wishart South, Lagoon, Royal Bay, Latoria, Olympic View

Langford: Goldstream, Humpback, Bear Mountain, Thetis Heights, Florence Lake, Mill Hill, Atkins, Fairway, Langford Proper, Langford Lake, Glen Lake, Luxton, Walfred, Happy Valley, Olympic View

Metchosin: Neild, Olympic View, Albert Head, Metchosin, Kangaroo, Rocky Point, William Head, Pedder Bay

Sooke: Port Renfrew, Jordan River, French Beach, Sheringham Point

North Saanich: Deep Cove, Lands  End, Swartz Bay, Curteis Point, McDonald Park, Sandown, Airport, Ardmore, Coles Bay, Dean Park, Bazan Bay



These Victoria counselling professionals have designations from the following list:

Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC), Registered Psychologist (R Psych), Registered Social Worker (RSW), Certified Canadian Counsellor (CCC), American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT), Registered Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT), and Registered Art Therapist (BCATR).

Explore the information within the counselling listings for Victoria to get a better sense of which counselling professional might be a match for you.

If you want to search a nearby city then click on the check mark for Victoria to unselect it and choose another city.


Perfectionism is considered as a personality trait among many mental health practitioners.  Perfectionists tend to view projects or tasks that are not perfect done, as unworthy. Unless they know that they can do something perfectly, they are unlikely to take it on. They tend not to care much about the learning process while completing a task, but rather about the end project, which, for them, is the most important aspect of any project they undertake.

Procrastination is a great obstacle with people who are perfectionists. They usually don't want to start a task until they are sure that they can do it perfectly. It's common for them to spend an enormous amount of time on a project, making sure that it is done to perfection. Yet, perfectionism prevents these people from appreciating a job well done. Instead, they don't believe that anything they do is good enough and they constantly compare their results with that of other people. They become fixated on achieving perfection.

There is a correlation between perfectionism and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and some perfectionists also have OCD.  However, not all people with OCD are perfectionists. While most people with an ambition to succeed and therefore strive to excel in their pursuits, they are not necessarily perfectionists.

Therapy can be very helpful in treating perfectionism. Therapy will help the individual to reframe their thinking to change the end goal of his or her undertakings. A therapist may often help perfectionists recognize that some of the most successful people are not perfectionists at all.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers therapies to address your perfectionism or OCD issues, you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Katie Falck

Ever stop and wonder when being a women turned into a performance? It's like there's this invisible script we're all supposed to follow, this checklist of expectations that society has handed down to us, and... Read more