Self Harming Practices Existential-Humanistic - Danish Language

Existential-Humanistic, Sandplay Therapy

Existential-Humanistic psychotherapies emphasize a collaborative approach to the understanding of the client's full experience rather than just the symptom, thoughts or behaviour. Psychological problems are viewed as the result of a restricted ability to make authentic, meaningful, and self-directed choices about how to live. Consequently, interventions are aimed at increasing client self-awareness and self-understanding. The key words for existential-humanistic therapy are acceptance and growth, responsibility and freedom.

Sandplay therapy is a creative form of therapy using a tray of sand and miniature objects. Clients construct scenes in the sand to express emotions and experiences. It provides a nonverbal way to explore and heal, with the therapist offering guidance in interpreting the symbolic meaning.

If you are looking for a professional who utilizes Sandplay Therapy please consider choosing from the list below:


This page contains names of counselling professionals who speak Danish.  Meeting with a counsellor or psychologist who speaks Danish may be your preference because of your comfort talking about feelings in your native language.

As a dedicated and compassionate counsellor, I support clients in a wide range of mental health concerns including trauma, grief, loss, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, anger management, self-harm, self-esteem... Read more