Addictions - Including Substances, Grief and Loss - General, Phobias, Sleep Difficulties-Adults Meditation

Addictions - Including Substances, Grief and Loss - General, Phobias, Sleep Difficulties-Adults

While some people can use prescription or recreational drugs with no negative effects, many others become addicted and face dramatic health and lifestyle problems as a result. Substance addictions negatively affect relationships, home, school or work, leaving the person feeling ashamed, helpless and isolated.

Physical symptoms of substance abuse and addiction are varied depending on the drug of choice, but the symptoms of the addiction itself are similar. People who are addicted to substances may neglect their responsibilities, take potentially dangerous risks and get into trouble with the law. As their drug use spirals out of control, they will lose interest in activities that used to be enjoyable and continue to take drugs despite knowing the harm it causes.

Substance addicts tend to build up a tolerance to their drug of choice, and get angry when they can't get more of it. Withdrawal symptoms are highly probable when an addict goes without it for too long. Depression, nausea, insomnia, sweating, restlessness, anxiety and shaking are all common withdrawal symptoms.

Psychotherapy can help you to overcome substance addiction by focusing on correcting maladaptive behaviors. Substance abuse is usually a coping mechanism against emotionally overwhelming past events or memories. Substances are often used to provide instant gratification instead of facing certain issues.

Therapists are equipped to help clients deal with addiction recovery through empowerment and helping them set simple short term targets. The first target is sobriety, followed by empowering the client with adaptive skills and finding new coping strategies that deal with the issues that caused the addiction. Substance addiction can be ended, allowing the person to live a healthy, productive life.

If you need a counsellor or psychologist to help you address the effects of substance addiction, you can search the directory below to find a professional with the approach best suited to your situation.

Grief is a natural part of dealing with the loss of a loved one, or a situation, or a way in which we see ourselves. Loss requires that we change the way things used to be and find a new way to restructure our lives accordingly. It's common for people to fear change, particularly if a part of us, or a person we loved deeply, is no longer there. It leaves a gap that has to be filled, but nothing can replace the person who has left us behind.

People deal with loss in many different ways, but the desired end result is the same - trying to piece together the puzzle to the best of our ability, without the missing piece. We also go through the various stages of grief at varying speeds and intensities. Dealing with all the emotions that form part of grief is what makes support so very important.

Time is of the essence during the grieving period, and something we sometimes tend to rush. That's why it's so useful to speak to a therapist who does grief counselling during this time.

A therapist will help you understand that what you are feeling is completely normal and even expected. Medical professionals are aware of the wide range of natural responses to grief and loss and are generally reluctant to diagnose mental illness while a person is in a period of bereavement. However, if depression is present, medication is likely to be prescribed.

Grief therapy will help you to accept the loss and be able to talk about it without breaking down. You will learn to identify and express your emotions regarding the loss and learn to make decisions without your loved one.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist does grief counselling to address your grief and loss you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Phobias are classified as irrational fears that impede on normal daily life. While everyone has one or two irrational fears, they are minor. However, if irrational fears become so intense that they cause extreme anxiety that interferes with normal life, it is time to get therapy to help overcome these fears.

The most important thing people should understand is that phobias can be controlled and even cured. Between self-help strategies and professional phobia therapy, anyone can overcome irrational fears and start to live a life of freedom from phobias.

Phobias can interfere with life when you are forced to face them on a regular basis. People with phobias are generally afraid of things that pose little to no real danger at all. People with phobias generally fear heights, clowns, flying, driving, insects, small spaces, wide open spaces or needles.However, phobias are not limited to this, but to anything about which the fear is highly exaggerated.

While phobias are usually developed during childhood, adults may also develop new phobias. People will go to extreme lengths to avoid exposure to whatever they are phobic about.

The good news is that phobias are easily treated using a range of therapies. Cognitive behavioural therapy can help a person recognize their phobias and find different ways to react to their exposure to the things they fear. Desensitization therapy helps a person to learn how to manage being exposed to what they fear in a safe environment. A therapist will help the person understand that their fears are unfounded and as such, manage and eventually cure the phobia.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers phobias and related issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Sleep difficulties in adults can occur for a great number of reasons, both common and unusual.  For most people, sleep is a routine, but many people experience sleep difficulties, such as insomnia on a fairly regular basis. While it usually clears us in a short while, it can become a long-term problem, because sleep is important for our bodies and minds to stay healthy.

Sleep difficulties can, after a few weeks, cause a person to feel tired all the time, and cause them to nod off during the day. Difficulty concentrating, making decisions and feeling depressed are some of the symptoms of sleep difficulties. People who perform jobs that require a lot of concentration, such as operating heavy machinery or driving, can pose a danger to themselves and others if they suffer from sleep difficulties. Over time, sleep difficulties can lead to high blood pressure, overweight and diabetes.

Many situations can contribute to sleep difficulties, including too much noise or  light in the bedroom, a bed that is too small or uncomfortable, or a partner with a different sleep pattern. Lifestyle choices such as smoking, going to bed too late, lack of exercise, consuming caffeine, no set bedtime routine, and illness can also cause insomnia.

A therapist can help you deal with sleep difficulties, by using progressive muscle relaxation therapy, sleep restriction and cognitive therapy.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers sleep disorders counselling to address sleep difficulties you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Meditation, Mindfulness approaches, Online / Virtual / Telehealth Counselling, Telephone Counselling, Vocational Counselling

Meditation is a calming practice that helps the mind to be focused in the now. When the mind is in a meditative state, it is uncluttered and free from memories, worries and concerns.

People have practiced meditation for many centuries and continue to do so because of its healing powers, particularly for managing stress and easing pain.

There are hundreds of approaches that can all help people to increase their sense of calmness, and develop a tranquil mind.

Meditation offers a range of health benefits that result from the calmness and breathing which slows down the heart rate. Meditation can help treat high blood pressure, chronic pain and substance abuse, to name but a few.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Meditation, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Mindfulness approaches help clients to be focused in the here and now. Generally rooted in Eastern meditative techniques,  Mindfulness approaches offer a non-judgmental alternative therapy for dealing with stress and other psychological issues.

By observing worrisome thoughts and learning to accept situations for what they are, people can learn to cope with issues better and make more productive choices.

Mindfulness approaches include a range of models, including dialectical behaviour therapy,  mindfulness-based stress reduction, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. These approaches can be used in a wide range of settings to reduce the symptoms of a broad spectrum of psychological issues.  These therapies can be practiced effectively in individual or group therapy.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Mindfulness approaches, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Online Counselling or Online Internet Psychotherapy uses common technology to create major shifts in clients' emotional health. It is suitable to clients who wish to enjoy therapy from the comfort of their own homes, and therapists have noticed an increase in patients seeking help using this medium.

In order to attend online counselling sessions, clients and the therapist need access to fast internet connections and webcams. Online counselling is particularly useful for clients who can't leave home, or live far away from a therapist.

While online counselling is effective for helping with anxiety and other emotional conditions, it does not replace medical assistance in emergencies.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Online Counselling, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Telephone Counselling can be an excellent solution for people with busy schedules. Many therapists now offer talking therapies via Telephone Counselling and online video sessions, to make counselling more readily available and more affordable to more people.

Telephone Counselling typically uses talking therapy as an approach, which is ideal for people dealing with negative mindsets and emotions, as it can help them make positive changes.

While therapies are divided into a different types, therapists will often find models that work best for their clients, based on their own personal styles. Therapists also combine approaches for best results.

If you have trouble getting an appointment with a local therapist, or if you can't meet up with someone on a regular basis, consider Telephone Counselling.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Telephone Counselling, please browse our list of practitioners below.

Vocational Counselling helps to prepare you for one of the biggest decisions you will ever make - choosing a career. A person's vocation affects their entire life. It determines a person's family life, economic stability and many future decisions. A good therapist who offers Vocational Counselling can help people starting out in a new career, or changing careers to make the right decisions.

During Vocational Counselling sessions, the therapist will help assess the client's strengths and abilities, as well as his or her preferences. A therapist can help you pick the best career that will suit your personality based on assessments and analysis.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Vocational Counselling, please browse our list of practitioners below..

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Sheri Johnson

    • Online booking
Using cutting edge neuroscience approaches and over 12 years experience practicing clinical social work, an online session with me offers effective, results-oriented therapy in a non-judgemental, compassionate... Read more