Grief and Loss - General, Anger Management Issues, Career Issues, Family Conflict Humanistic Therapy

Grief and Loss - General, Anger Management Issues, Career Issues, Family Conflict

Grief is a natural part of dealing with the loss of a loved one, or a situation, or a way in which we see ourselves. Loss requires that we change the way things used to be and find a new way to restructure our lives accordingly. It's common for people to fear change, particularly if a part of us, or a person we loved deeply, is no longer there. It leaves a gap that has to be filled, but nothing can replace the person who has left us behind.

People deal with loss in many different ways, but the desired end result is the same - trying to piece together the puzzle to the best of our ability, without the missing piece. We also go through the various stages of grief at varying speeds and intensities. Dealing with all the emotions that form part of grief is what makes support so very important.

Time is of the essence during the grieving period, and something we sometimes tend to rush. That's why it's so useful to speak to a therapist who does grief counselling during this time.

A therapist will help you understand that what you are feeling is completely normal and even expected. Medical professionals are aware of the wide range of natural responses to grief and loss and are generally reluctant to diagnose mental illness while a person is in a period of bereavement. However, if depression is present, medication is likely to be prescribed.

Grief therapy will help you to accept the loss and be able to talk about it without breaking down. You will learn to identify and express your emotions regarding the loss and learn to make decisions without your loved one.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist does grief counselling to address your grief and loss you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

If you are facing a career transition and feeling overwhelmed, don't think you are alone. Choosing a career, whether it's your first time around, or whether you've been working for twenty years, is not easy. However, thousands of people do that every year with the help of therapists who address career issues.  

During tough economic times, it's even more difficult to settle on a career. Your dream career may not be the financially sound option.

If you question your career, it is time to see a good counsellor t who does career counselling. Your career counsellor will help you find the answers to these questions, and more:


  • Do I see my work as a job, or a career?

  • Do I enjoy the activities that I perform on a daily basis?

  • Does my career align with my personal values?

  • Am I playing to my strengths?

  • Do I have the qualifications to pursue my dream career?

  • Do I perform better alone, or in a group environment?

  • Am I able to delegate?

  • Do I have management skills?

Other career issues that may affect you psychologically could include sexual harassment, retrenchment, or discrimination in the workplace.

A therapist will help you deal with career issues using cognitive behavioural therapy to address limiting beliefs and attitudes, and find a career in which you can thrive. He or she can also help you to identify resources and develop skills to help you achieve your career objectives. The therapist will also help you to develop coping skills during career transitions, or when dealing with difficult career issues.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who addresses career issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Family conflict is very common in society today, but it also hurts. Family should be your closest friends and loved ones; the people with whom you can share anything and feel the most comfortable to be around. Family should be able to count on one another and support one another.

However, for many people around the world, the last people they are prepared to turn to in times of trouble, is their families. Many people see their families as a source of stress, misunderstanding, disconnect and anger. The only consistent feedback is dramatic arguments, unmet expectations, and emotional hurt.

It is not only dysfunctional families that have conflict. Even the closest of families don't have perfect relationships all the time; they also experience family conflict from time to time and it can be hurtful, frustrating and challenging. Family conflict presents as little irritations that grow to buried resentments to anger and dramatic arguments. Conflict with those people with whom we are so close, the people who know us so well, can bring up intense emotions.

Family dynamics are not always harmonious, particularly when people all live together in the same house can present a range of challenges for the whole family unit. It becomes more complicated when extended family becomes involved. Even if only two people are in conflict, the whole family can be affected. If more people are having relationship problems, the unit can unravel quickly.

While therapists take different approaches to dealing with family conflict, it is good to know that they share a common goal and that is to heal family conflicts through enabling better verbal and nonverbal communication, and dealing with individual issues.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers professional  therapies or counselling to address your family conflict issues, you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Humanistic Therapy, Jungian Psychotherapy, Brief Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Humanistic Therapy highly regards the value of human beings and their ability and willingness to develop competence and self-respect. As such, humanistic therapy can help people to use interpersonal skills to help maximize an individual's life experience.

Most therapists who practice Humanistic Therapy integrate social and cultural issues into their approach. The approach focuses on recognizing and improving on the individual's capabilities in choice, personal growth and creativity.

Humanistic therapy aims to learn about human perception of themselves in the moment and to recognize personal growth, responsibilities and self-direction. An optimistic approach, humanistic therapy helps individuals realize their inner strengths through an understanding and non-judgmental interaction.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Humanistic Therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Jungian Psychotherapy, named after Carl Jung is essentially analytical psychology. Jung believed that the unconscious was a collective state that was shared by everyone. He also believed that everyone desires to experience wholeness, through creating harmony by the unconsciousness and the consciousness. Jung aimed to accomplish this harmony through dream study.

Depth psychology analyses the unconscious and is also known as Jungian psychotherapy or analysis. Dreams play an important role in Jungian psychotherapy.

Jung believed that dreams are usually attitude-compensations and that dreams can offer wisdom, constructive criticism, advice and ego information. Jungian psychotherapy aims to establish a relationship between the unconscious and the ego in order to bring about a psyche transformation.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Jungian Psychotherapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Brief therapy focuses on a client's present and future, rather than his or her past and it builds solutions. Many brief therapists never explore their clients' past problems, but rather focus on the present with goals for creating a positive future.

Psychologists who offer brief therapy take a more pro-active approach to offer faster care for subjective and clinical conditions. This type of therapy creates natural resources and temporarily suspends disbelief to help the client consider a range of new viewpoints or perspectives. It provides a wider context for the client to view the present, and better understandings that can bring about spontaneous change.

Unlike other therapies that focus on the problem, brief therapy is solution-based. It removes the factors that sustain a problem and prevent change. Brief therapists understands that there are many approaches that, combined, can bring about ultimate success.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers brief therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a psychological approach that deals with the way in which clients think about themselves, other people and the world. The outside world affects how we think and feel about ourselves and as a result, our behaviour. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can help a person to change the way they think about thoughts and feelings, but it is not like other types of talk therapy.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy focuses on current issues and challenges that affect the client right now. It doesn't consider the past issues that caused distress, but rather looks for solutions that can improve the client's state of mind in the moment. Much of CBT involves looking at thought distortions that can affect mood and are affected by mood, and helps client examine and challenge distorted thinking patters.

CBT can help a range of problems, from OCD, PTSD, bulimia, stress, phobias and other issues that might seem overwhelming to the client, by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable chunks.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Mark Holland

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A Registered Clinical Counsellor serving Vancouver since 2015, Mark helps clients uncover realistic, pragmatic solutions to their problems. Identified as a leader in his field, Mark works with clients to leverage... Read more