Family Conflict Family Therapy

Family Conflict

Family conflict is very common in society today, but it also hurts. Family should be your closest friends and loved ones; the people with whom you can share anything and feel the most comfortable to be around. Family should be able to count on one another and support one another.

However, for many people around the world, the last people they are prepared to turn to in times of trouble, is their families. Many people see their families as a source of stress, misunderstanding, disconnect and anger. The only consistent feedback is dramatic arguments, unmet expectations, and emotional hurt.

It is not only dysfunctional families that have conflict. Even the closest of families don't have perfect relationships all the time; they also experience family conflict from time to time and it can be hurtful, frustrating and challenging. Family conflict presents as little irritations that grow to buried resentments to anger and dramatic arguments. Conflict with those people with whom we are so close, the people who know us so well, can bring up intense emotions.

Family dynamics are not always harmonious, particularly when people all live together in the same house can present a range of challenges for the whole family unit. It becomes more complicated when extended family becomes involved. Even if only two people are in conflict, the whole family can be affected. If more people are having relationship problems, the unit can unravel quickly.

While therapists take different approaches to dealing with family conflict, it is good to know that they share a common goal and that is to heal family conflicts through enabling better verbal and nonverbal communication, and dealing with individual issues.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers professional  therapies or counselling to address your family conflict issues, you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Family Therapy

Family Therapy is different from family systems counselling in that it focuses on relationships within the immediate family unit. It can be used as a supplement to other forms of therapy, or it can be the primary treatment plan.

Family therapy sees the unit as a whole, rather than a group of individual member, and this approach can be used to meet a range of of therapeutic outcomes. Instead of focusing on a single family member, family therapy counsellors see individual and relationship problems as the result of issues within the family dynamics. The therapist will identify issues in the patterns that contribute to problems. He or she will then help the clients to work on verbal and nonverbal communication styles to help shift patterns and bring about positive change.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Family Therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

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Ann-Marie Inoue

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