Critical Incident Stress Management

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Pam Paquet

M.Ed., CCC
    • Blog on profile
Before I try to impress you with credentials, accomplishments and experience, I want to introduce myself on a personal level. I love change. I love helping people create their change. I am passionate about seeing people... Read more

Amelia Wu

M.Ed., CCC
吴偲予是持有心理学学士学位和心理咨询硕士学位的加拿大注册心理咨询师。在工作中,她习惯运用综合疗法以及不同的技巧,例如: 辩证行为法,认知行为疗法,人物中心疗罚,解答聚焦治疗,情感集中治疗, 艺术疗法和觉知训练方法等,来帮助大家达到预期效果。传统的中国文化背景让吴偲予对移民在西方文化环境里面临的挑战,以及父母子女之间潜在的文化差异与代沟有着深刻的了解与体会。因此能够更好的帮助解决因为文化导致的各种问题,促进家庭关系,... Read more

John Boland

M.Ed., CCC
John Boland has been a counsellor/psychotherapist for 40 years and brings to his practice a wealth of experience in the areas of individual and couples therapy as well as many years working with children and youth. He... Read more

Jay Hails

M.Ed., CCC
    • Online booking
My strength lies in helping you identify and celebrate your own unique strengths. The fact that you're looking here for help already tells me you're strong. If you’re overwhelmed or stuck, or you’... Read more

Steven Lake

M.Ed., CCC
Dr. Lake has a PhD in Educational Administration. He has a personal interest in emotion and crisis management and created a Model Of Effective Crisis Management for his dissertation. His Master's degree is in... Read more