Counselling Langley - Somatic Approaches Counsellors, Psychologists, Therapists in Langley


Counselling Langley contains information about counsellors, psychologists, and therapists in the Langley area. These counsellors, psychologists, and therapists may assist individuals, couples and/or families. As is typical with trained counselling professionals they may vary in their areas of expertise. Many will be able to provide anger management counselling, depression counselling, anxiety counselling, marriage counselling, and trauma counselling.

Explore the information within the counselling listings for Langley to get a better sense of which counselling professional might be a match for you.

Langley consists of the following neighbourhoods:

Aldergrove, Brookswood, Fernridge, Fort Langley, Milner, Murrayville, Walnut Grove, Willoughby, Willowbrook, Nicomekl, Douglas, Simonds, Blacklock, Uplands, Alice Brown

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Somatic Approaches

Somatic approaches to therapy recognize the mind-body connection and focus on addressing psychological issues through bodily experiences. By incorporating techniques such as body awareness, breathwork, and sometines movement, these approaches help individuals access and process stored emotions and trauma. This value lies in their ability to foster self-awareness, emotional regulation, and healing.  Some therapies like "somatic experiencing" require specialized training and certification.  Please ask your therapist whether he/she has sprecialize training and in which approaches.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Somatic Approaches, please browse our list of practitioners below..

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Darcee Cooper

Darcee Cooper

I am both a Registered Social Worker (RSW) and a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) and have been practicing as a social worker since 2002.  I have extensive experience working with: trauma, chronic medical... Read more