Cancer Care and Support, Perfectionism, Spirituality Psychoanalytic Therapy - Portuguese Language

Cancer Care and Support, Perfectionism, Spirituality

Cancer care and support is essential after receiving a diagnosis. Someone who has just received a devastating diagnosis is bound to experience strong emotions and they may or may not be open to talking to friends or family. This can affect interpersonal relationships, as everyone around might feel afraid, directionless, numb and shocked.  A person who has been diagnosed with cancer can find inner strength to face the road ahead by speaking to a counsellor who has experience with cancer.

People with cancer often try to be strong for their loved ones, despite the fear they themselves face. At the same time, relatives tend to be afraid of expressing their own thoughts and feelings. The load can be minimized for both the cancer patient and his or her family by speaking to a psychologist.

The general consensus is that a positive attitude is essential for fighting cancer, and while that is a great tool, it can do more harm than good. It implies that people who lose the battle against cancer were negative. Unfortunately, the positive attitude analogy leaves no room for exploring anxiety and fear, or the grief commonly associated with a diagnosis.

A psychologist or counsellor who is knowledgeable about cancer care and support is the partner of choice for people who have been diagnosed with cancer, as well as for their friends and family. The therapist will help people to understand the impacts of a cancer diagnosis and the treatments. A psychologist will ensure that you have all the emotional tools required to handle the challenges on the road to recovery.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers cancer care and support therapy to address your emotional issues related to cancer, you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Perfectionism is considered as a personality trait among many mental health practitioners.  Perfectionists tend to view projects or tasks that are not perfect done, as unworthy. Unless they know that they can do something perfectly, they are unlikely to take it on. They tend not to care much about the learning process while completing a task, but rather about the end project, which, for them, is the most important aspect of any project they undertake.

Procrastination is a great obstacle with people who are perfectionists. They usually don't want to start a task until they are sure that they can do it perfectly. It's common for them to spend an enormous amount of time on a project, making sure that it is done to perfection. Yet, perfectionism prevents these people from appreciating a job well done. Instead, they don't believe that anything they do is good enough and they constantly compare their results with that of other people. They become fixated on achieving perfection.

There is a correlation between perfectionism and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and some perfectionists also have OCD.  However, not all people with OCD are perfectionists. While most people with an ambition to succeed and therefore strive to excel in their pursuits, they are not necessarily perfectionists.

Therapy can be very helpful in treating perfectionism. Therapy will help the individual to reframe their thinking to change the end goal of his or her undertakings. A therapist may often help perfectionists recognize that some of the most successful people are not perfectionists at all.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers therapies to address your perfectionism or OCD issues, you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Spirituality counselling does not necessarily refer to religious practice, although it could include that as well. In this context, spirituality refers more to reaching a new level of consciousness, or finding inner contentment and harmony and the removal of blockages that prevent self realization and the ability to reach one's full potential.

People of different races, cultures and communities have differing ideas or interpretations of spirituality and counselling can help a person to find a practical application that can work in a therapeutic context. Spiritual counselling can help an individual to gain a deeper understanding and a greater awareness of the self. When a person reaches a greater purpose in life and an enhanced self-esteem, he or she will develop a sense of well-being.

Spirituality counselling is important for people who feel depressed, desperate, hurt, despair and discontentment. The spirituality counsellor will help the person to recover their peace of mind, happiness and stability. During the therapeutic relationship, the client and the therapist reach a level of spirituality which can help resolve the issues the person is experiencing. The person can then explore the 'self' in a spiritual context, which can help with growth and healing.

Psycho-spiritual therapy addresses the soul, rather than the mind in order to create balance. The world is complex, and a mystery which combines a range of factors, including spiritual theology, energy systems, spiritual presence and metaphysical experiences and we all build our own innately personal viewpoints. Spirituality counselling can help a person to find their own personal truth within their history, experience and belief system.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers spirituality counselling to address your emotional and spiritual issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Psychoanalytic Therapy, Existential-Humanistic

Existential-Humanistic psychotherapies emphasize a collaborative approach to the understanding of the client's full experience rather than just the symptom, thoughts or behaviour. Psychological problems are viewed as the result of a restricted ability to make authentic, meaningful, and self-directed choices about how to live. Consequently, interventions are aimed at increasing client self-awareness and self-understanding. The key words for existential-humanistic therapy are acceptance and growth, responsibility and freedom.

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Norma Hoeppner

In private practice since 2007, Norma has been a dynamic clinical therapist across diverse health settings since 1989. Currently she practices with Clear Counselling Inc. in Vancouver, as well as an office through... Read more