Internal Family Systems

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Aditi Mukesh

M.Couns., RCC
    • Online booking
Welcome! My name is Aditi Mukesh, I am an RCC (#18027), operating out of the lower mainland area. Counselling is my passion in life, and what a blessing that it is also my profession. My work is in service of healing... Read more

David Nisbet

David is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with a Master of Arts Degree in Spiritual Care and Psychotherapy from Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario. He has extensive experience and knowledge working with... Read more

Wellwoods Counselling

    • Online booking
Wellwoods Counselling is founded on the recognition of our innate wholeness. Bringing together a wealth of life experience and decades of training in psychological and spiritual traditions, I provide holistic... Read more