Men's Issues, Perfectionism, Professional Burnout, Addiction - Social Media Addiction Communication Skills Training

Men's Issues, Perfectionism, Professional Burnout, Addiction - Social Media Addiction

For centuries, men were defined as warriors who were responsible for providing and protecting their families, tribes and communities. Those restraining limitations that were imposed by cultural traditions limited men as far as emotions are concerned.However, modern psychology has rediscovered the differences between men and women and the role of male emotions, relationship dynamics and behaviour in men's issues.

The expectations and demands of our new modern world result in increasing stress levels, often related to relationships and work. Symptoms of male issues that are commonly seen in therapists' offices, include stress, anger, addiction, depression, relationship issues, and work adjustment issues.

A large percentage of men feel that they are inadequate in relationships and at work, and this leads to negative emotional states, shame and fear. These emotions usually stem from negative messages at home and at work. It is harder than ever for men to fulfill their traditional roles, as being the sole bread winner is unrealistic in today's economy, and more men are staying home while women are sole breadwinners.

Traditional roles, particularly in men who were predominantly raised by women, dictate that men are not supposed to show certain emotions. Men who feel the need for nurturance, feel ashamed at their display of emotion and vulnerability. If he experienced childhood abuse, or was raised by an overprotective mother, he may become excessively angry or hurt at perceived criticism, complaints or insults.

Men often perceive asking for help as shameful, or a sign of weakness. Therapy for men's issues was designed for men to vocally express their problems, in individual counselling, couples counselling or group therapy settings.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers men's issues to help with your stress and related issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Perfectionism is considered as a personality trait among many mental health practitioners.  Perfectionists tend to view projects or tasks that are not perfect done, as unworthy. Unless they know that they can do something perfectly, they are unlikely to take it on. They tend not to care much about the learning process while completing a task, but rather about the end project, which, for them, is the most important aspect of any project they undertake.

Procrastination is a great obstacle with people who are perfectionists. They usually don't want to start a task until they are sure that they can do it perfectly. It's common for them to spend an enormous amount of time on a project, making sure that it is done to perfection. Yet, perfectionism prevents these people from appreciating a job well done. Instead, they don't believe that anything they do is good enough and they constantly compare their results with that of other people. They become fixated on achieving perfection.

There is a correlation between perfectionism and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and some perfectionists also have OCD.  However, not all people with OCD are perfectionists. While most people with an ambition to succeed and therefore strive to excel in their pursuits, they are not necessarily perfectionists.

Therapy can be very helpful in treating perfectionism. Therapy will help the individual to reframe their thinking to change the end goal of his or her undertakings. A therapist may often help perfectionists recognize that some of the most successful people are not perfectionists at all.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers therapies to address your perfectionism or OCD issues, you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Professional burnout is becoming more common in people who have to carve careers in this competitive economy. While there are more and better opportunities for people to advance their careers, there are also more issues that add to stress in the workplace.

Typically, professional burnout is caused by issues such as endless tasks, under-employment, inadequate pay, difficult clients, bureaucracy, conflicting roles, and perfectionism. Some of the more difficult causes include deficits in emotional and social skills and conflicts between workplace and personal values.

A person who is dealing with professional burnout will usually feel extreme physical and emotional exhaustion, as the result of prolonged stressed. Cynicism and low levels of career satisfaction, or even indifference are common symptoms of professional burnout. People with professional burnout will struggle to concentrate and have poor problem solving abilities.

Professional burnout can cause a range of health problems as a result of chronic stress, and symptoms may include insomnia, headaches, and frequent colds. People often self-medicate and start using substances such as sleeping pills, alcohol, mood elevators or cigarettes, which pose more serious health risks.

A therapists who offers professional burnout will be able to help the person to identify issues that could lead to burnout. He or she will help identify stressors and find solutions, or even help you define the best career for you by using standardized tests that measure strengths and weaknesses.

Some careers predispose people to professional burnout, such as police officers, customer care consultants, lawyers, nurses, social workers and teachers. Emotional involvement in high stress environments make professional burnout prevalent in these professions.  

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers professional burnout counselling and other career-related issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

A Harvard University study indicates that social media can be addictive both physically and psychologically.  Self-disclosure online can trigger areas of the brain that are also triggered when taking an addictive substance.


Communication Skills Training

Communication Skills Training is a valuable investment in a world where technology has taken the place of verbal, eye-to-eye meetings. Misunderstandings have become common-place and lead to unnecessary breakdown in relationships.

People who feel that they know what they want to say, but don't know how to explain it, can benefit from Communication skills training. Communication skill can often mean the difference between effectively and ineffectively dealing with difficult people.

Communication skills training also help people to develop as people, and to prosper in their careers. Whether you want to be a better team member, or develop as a public speaker or educator, communication skills training will help you increase confidence levels and help you to communicate clearly and efficiently.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers communication skills training, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Thomas Wiens

Ph.D., R.Psych
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What if your psychologist could help you overcome challenges AND get to that next level? Dr. Wiens assists professionals to manage the demands of their career and personal life so that they can perform at their best... Read more