Gender Identity Issues, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Procrastination Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) - Italian Language

Gender Identity Issues, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Procrastination

Gender identity issues can make a person feel that nature has played a cruel trick, leaving them living in a body and role that is contrary to what they feel inside. However, as society becomes more accepting of gay and lesbian individuals it is also becoming much easier for people to admit that they are transgender than ever before. However, therapy can help people with gender dysphoria to cope with gender identity issues.

Most people with gender dysphoria prefer the term transgender as they deal with the social expectations of living a life that is authentic to their own emotions while conforming to their birth gender.

Whether you are confused about the possibility that you might be transgender, or whether you have accepted the reality, it is a good idea to speak to a therapist. If you are considering gender reassignment surgery, therapy will help you prepare for the psychological impact of the decision.

Living in your gender of choice will take a lot of courage, as well as some experimentation. You will have to learn how to find a congruent appearance, and explore different ways for you to present your body so that it relates to your true gender.

Counselling from a therapist trained in gender identity issues will provide a nurturing and non-judgmental environment for you to explore your emotions, fears and feelings regarding what is happening for you.  Individual and group therapies are common for gender dysphoric patients, while family therapy can help foster better communication, and understanding. Family therapy can help deal with conflicts that can arise from gender dysphoria.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers gender identity counselling to address your gender dysphoria issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety disorder that usually starts within the three months of a traumatic incident. It has been reported that in rare cases, PTSD symptoms may only occur after a number of years.

Three groups of symptoms are present in people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Increased anxiety / emotional arousal includes anger or irritability, overwhelming shame or guilt, sleeplessness and self-destructive behaviour. The second group of symptoms, known as intrusive memories, causes flashbacks to the traumatic event and upsetting dreams. The third group of symptoms that a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder patient may experience, includes emotional numbing or avoidance. This group of symptoms includes memory problems, poor concentration, feeling emotionally numb, a sense of hopelessness, and an avoidance of activities that the person used to find enjoyable.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms may be present for a while, disappear and then return again. General stress may increase the symptoms, as can reminders of the traumatic incident.

Therapists who address  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder generally use one, or a combination of trauma therapies to treat it. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is commonly used and can help a person to change their reactions to traumatic memories.

Exposure therapy can help a person reduce the amount of fear related to the feelings and thoughts associated with past traumatic events. Cognitive therapy helps a person to change the way he or she thinks about the event and the aftermath of a traumatic incident. It will help a person to identify thoughts that cause fear and anger, and learn ways to replace those thoughts with less stressful and more empowering thoughts.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and related issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Procrastination is not the same as laziness, instead, it is a severe condition that millions of people experience on an ongoing basis.

Most procrastinators wish that they were more productive in order to achieve their goals and dreams. Unfortunately the force of procrastination destroys their ambitions and aspirations, and telling them to "get a grip" doesn't help at all. Procrastination is similar to obsessive compulsive disorder in that the person doesn't choose the behavior and can't change it by simply making the decision to be more productive.

A person with procrastination issues tends to disappoint other people by not meeting their deadlines or promises. They find it hard to start on new projects, or switching from one to the next. They chronically underestimate or overestimate the duration of tasks and struggle to get going. Even when they want to start on a task, they may have difficulty establishing a starting point. Disorganization and clutter fill their work spaces and homes. Procrastination is a passive resistance that expresses the resentment of the fact that procrastinators are often unable to say no. They will do anything, except what they should be doing and tend to focus on short term happiness over long term success.

Psychotherapy can help a person to overcome procrastination issues. A therapist will assess the causes of your procrastination and find ways to solve these issues. Sometimes, strategies for self-acceptance and increasing energy levels are all that's needed.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers counselling approaches to address your procrastination issues, you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Pain Management

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a psychological approach that deals with the way in which clients think about themselves, other people and the world. The outside world affects how we think and feel about ourselves and as a result, our behaviour. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can help a person to change the way they think about thoughts and feelings, but it is not like other types of talk therapy.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy focuses on current issues and challenges that affect the client right now. It doesn't consider the past issues that caused distress, but rather looks for solutions that can improve the client's state of mind in the moment. Much of CBT involves looking at thought distortions that can affect mood and are affected by mood, and helps client examine and challenge distorted thinking patters.

CBT can help a range of problems, from OCD, PTSD, bulimia, stress, phobias and other issues that might seem overwhelming to the client, by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable chunks.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Pain Management therapy addresses the psychological issues that are part of  chronic pain. Most people don't realize just how common chronic pain and how much it is influenced by the context of our lives. Once medical conditions have been ruled out, pain management therapy can address the influences of unexpressed anger, grief, emotional overwhelm, anxiety, or depression.

Unexpressed emotions, desires or needs often affect pain levels.

Pain management psychotherapy can help a client to confront the pent-up emotions to provide short term and long term relief. In addition to the above physiotherapy and medication adjustments are typically really important as well - particularly when the pain is not malignant.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Pain Management, please browse our list of practitioners below..

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Martha Isabel

You have important work to do in therapy, so a good fit is essential! I come to this meaningful work through my own emotional challenges. I know how it feels to be lost, depressed, anxious and in need of support as I... Read more