
Coaching, Dance-Movement Therapy

Coaching is often the driving force behind successful CEOs. While the job of a CEO seems to be alluring, what with calling the shots and enjoying the perks, he or she is responsible for keeping the business afloat and making executive decisions. Coaching can be equally helpful to individuals who are feeling stuck or having problems with imbalance in their lives.

Coaching can help overstressed individuals  to avoid burnout and to maximize results. A professional coach will help the client to improve performance by working alongside the client in developing and being accountable to goals that are created.

Hiring a qualified personal or executive coach can help you take your life and/or career to the next level of success.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers  coaching, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Psychotherapists who facilitate Dance-Movement Therapy use movement to promote physical, spiritual, cognitive and emotional development. This type of therapy is suitable for people of all ages, and it is particularly helpful for people with mental and emotional health needs, physical disabilities, addictions, and personal development requirements.

Each client will have different needs to address through dance-movement therapy, but it will include the therapist observing a client's physical movements. Physical movement can bring great insight into a client's emotional, cognitive and behavioural state. The therapist can then plan movement sessions, sometimes in groups, to cater to the group  or a single individual's requirements.

Dance-Movement Therapy offers a safe environment for clients to communicate, acknowledge and contain their feelings and to encourage positive interactions with other individuals.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Dance-Movement Therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

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