Anger Management Issues, Men's Issues, Phobias, Trauma Counselling Child Centred Therapy

Anger Management Issues, Men's Issues, Phobias, Trauma Counselling

For centuries, men were defined as warriors who were responsible for providing and protecting their families, tribes and communities. Those restraining limitations that were imposed by cultural traditions limited men as far as emotions are concerned.However, modern psychology has rediscovered the differences between men and women and the role of male emotions, relationship dynamics and behaviour in men's issues.

The expectations and demands of our new modern world result in increasing stress levels, often related to relationships and work. Symptoms of male issues that are commonly seen in therapists' offices, include stress, anger, addiction, depression, relationship issues, and work adjustment issues.

A large percentage of men feel that they are inadequate in relationships and at work, and this leads to negative emotional states, shame and fear. These emotions usually stem from negative messages at home and at work. It is harder than ever for men to fulfill their traditional roles, as being the sole bread winner is unrealistic in today's economy, and more men are staying home while women are sole breadwinners.

Traditional roles, particularly in men who were predominantly raised by women, dictate that men are not supposed to show certain emotions. Men who feel the need for nurturance, feel ashamed at their display of emotion and vulnerability. If he experienced childhood abuse, or was raised by an overprotective mother, he may become excessively angry or hurt at perceived criticism, complaints or insults.

Men often perceive asking for help as shameful, or a sign of weakness. Therapy for men's issues was designed for men to vocally express their problems, in individual counselling, couples counselling or group therapy settings.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers men's issues to help with your stress and related issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Phobias are classified as irrational fears that impede on normal daily life. While everyone has one or two irrational fears, they are minor. However, if irrational fears become so intense that they cause extreme anxiety that interferes with normal life, it is time to get therapy to help overcome these fears.

The most important thing people should understand is that phobias can be controlled and even cured. Between self-help strategies and professional phobia therapy, anyone can overcome irrational fears and start to live a life of freedom from phobias.

Phobias can interfere with life when you are forced to face them on a regular basis. People with phobias are generally afraid of things that pose little to no real danger at all. People with phobias generally fear heights, clowns, flying, driving, insects, small spaces, wide open spaces or needles.However, phobias are not limited to this, but to anything about which the fear is highly exaggerated.

While phobias are usually developed during childhood, adults may also develop new phobias. People will go to extreme lengths to avoid exposure to whatever they are phobic about.

The good news is that phobias are easily treated using a range of therapies. Cognitive behavioural therapy can help a person recognize their phobias and find different ways to react to their exposure to the things they fear. Desensitization therapy helps a person to learn how to manage being exposed to what they fear in a safe environment. A therapist will help the person understand that their fears are unfounded and as such, manage and eventually cure the phobia.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers phobias and related issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Trauma counselling can assist with a wide range of internal emotional reactions to devastating situations. Some people experience things as more traumatic than others, and therefore they will need help in coping the emotional burdens of an event or situation.

Stressful events such as death of a loved one, rape, abuse, accidents, divorce, violence or bullying can leave people unable to cope or process the emotional burdens. However, it is not only events linked to the individual personally, but also being a witness to events that might leave a person with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This includes being a victim to violence or natural disasters - there is no limit to the causes of trauma.

In the case of PTSD, people can develop many different psychological reactions, as determined by their own coping skills, emotional stability and background. Symptoms of PTSD include a anger, depression, flashbacks, insomnia, nightmares, social withdrawal, loss of self esteem and confidence, and substance abuse.

It takes a strong person to have the courage to stand up and request trauma counselling. This is no time to compare yourself to other people in similar situations, but rather to recognize that everyone has a different reaction to trauma. Therefore, it is important to address the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder as soon as possible to help you deal with emotions in a healthy way and to overcome the difficulties you are facing. Trauma counselling can help avert potentially more severe psychological disorders, that can occur if PTSD is left untreated.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who provides  trauma counselling to address your posttraumatic stress management issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Child Centred Therapy, Mediation

The child-centered therapy, or child-centered play therapy (CCPT) model offers a non-judgmental and emotionally supportive therapeutic atmosphere. However, it has clear boundaries to ensure psychological safety in which the child can practice behavioural and emotional self-regulation.

Child-Centered Therapy has been shown to be effective in helping children to overcome traumatic experiences and to develop the freedom to express themselves creatively. By building healthy self-esteem, children become more mature, and develop pro-social behaviours.

The child-centered therapist will accept the client fully, including all his or her actions, feelings and characteristics. The therapist won't judge the child, offer advice or interrupt. By creating this non-judgmental, non-threatening context, the child will feel free to explore his or her feelings and thoughts without a fear of judgment or rejection.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers child-centered therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Mediation can have a range of meanings, but generally, it is defined as the process of resolving disputes. In therapy, it mainly involves dealing with relationship issues.

Relationship mediation is when two people sit with a therapist to discuss an issue or problem. This is generally used in a couples context.

Another form of couples mediation or counselling is generally divorce mediation, and it is often the result of a court action. During meditation, the couple would work with a therapist to work through contentious issues and to reduce conflict. The outsider's perspective is helpful in mediation situations. Mediators are impartial and mediation is confidential, while outcomes of agreements are binding, in cases where divorce mediation is in a formal, or legal context.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Mediation, please browse our list of practitioners below..

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Gerry Bock

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