Life Balance, Men's Issues Counsellors

Life Balance, Men's Issues

Reaching career goals and responsibilities in a competitive  world is hard enough for most people. Add to that family needs and social demands and you have your hands full. As if work and social responsibilities are not enough to leave you feeling exhausted, there is the innate need for spiritual and physical rest and recuperation, but most people don't have nearly enough "me" time.

If you do not have a good work-life balance  you may feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious and exhausted, While life balance is a great objective, in practice it can be quite hard to achieve.

Life balance counselling or coaching can help you to develop and implement critical strategies for attaining life balance. It will teach you how to recognize and prioritize the diverse aspects of modern-day life, including work, family, social, community and personal life.
You will know you need work / life balance counselling or coaching if you are constantly on the go and feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. If your responsibilities seem like too much to bear or if you are turning to substances to help you cope with day-to-day life, life balance coaching will help you find equilibrium.

Work / life balance counselling is based on talk therapy. Through conversation, you can learn to develop essential habits that will help you prioritize responsibilities for increased results and a  healthy, happy, balanced life. As a result, you will feel more in control, and be willing and able to re-engage. You will feel rejuvenated and ready to achieve success in all areas.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who works with issues of life balance you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.


For centuries, men were defined as warriors who were responsible for providing and protecting their families, tribes and communities. Those restraining limitations that were imposed by cultural traditions limited men as far as emotions are concerned.However, modern psychology has rediscovered the differences between men and women and the role of male emotions, relationship dynamics and behaviour in men's issues.

The expectations and demands of our new modern world result in increasing stress levels, often related to relationships and work. Symptoms of male issues that are commonly seen in therapists' offices, include stress, anger, addiction, depression, relationship issues, and work adjustment issues.

A large percentage of men feel that they are inadequate in relationships and at work, and this leads to negative emotional states, shame and fear. These emotions usually stem from negative messages at home and at work. It is harder than ever for men to fulfill their traditional roles, as being the sole bread winner is unrealistic in today's economy, and more men are staying home while women are sole breadwinners.

Traditional roles, particularly in men who were predominantly raised by women, dictate that men are not supposed to show certain emotions. Men who feel the need for nurturance, feel ashamed at their display of emotion and vulnerability. If he experienced childhood abuse, or was raised by an overprotective mother, he may become excessively angry or hurt at perceived criticism, complaints or insults.

Men often perceive asking for help as shameful, or a sign of weakness. Therapy for men's issues was designed for men to vocally express their problems, in individual counselling, couples counselling or group therapy settings.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers men's issues to help with your stress and related issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Note: You may narrow your search by selecting more than one filter below.

Anthony Cave

M.A., R.Psych
    • In-Person Sessions
About me My private practice consists of psychotherapy services for youth, adults and elders. An appointment usually lasts an hour and takes place in a confidential office setting. I also provide clinical consulting... Read more