Procrastination, Retirement Counsellors

Procrastination, Retirement

Procrastination is not the same as laziness, instead, it is a severe condition that millions of people experience on an ongoing basis.

Most procrastinators wish that they were more productive in order to achieve their goals and dreams. Unfortunately the force of procrastination destroys their ambitions and aspirations, and telling them to "get a grip" doesn't help at all. Procrastination is similar to obsessive compulsive disorder in that the person doesn't choose the behavior and can't change it by simply making the decision to be more productive.

A person with procrastination issues tends to disappoint other people by not meeting their deadlines or promises. They find it hard to start on new projects, or switching from one to the next. They chronically underestimate or overestimate the duration of tasks and struggle to get going. Even when they want to start on a task, they may have difficulty establishing a starting point. Disorganization and clutter fill their work spaces and homes. Procrastination is a passive resistance that expresses the resentment of the fact that procrastinators are often unable to say no. They will do anything, except what they should be doing and tend to focus on short term happiness over long term success.

Psychotherapy can help a person to overcome procrastination issues. A therapist will assess the causes of your procrastination and find ways to solve these issues. Sometimes, strategies for self-acceptance and increasing energy levels are all that's needed.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers counselling approaches to address your procrastination issues, you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Retirement can sometimes bring about mixed emotions. Some people grab the opportunity with both hands, while others have a different vision of it. However, most people do see it as the end of an era and the beginning of a new life with many unknown challenges. It is quite natural to feel a sense of anxiety at the prospect of changing your life so drastically.

People who have had an active, successful career are more likely to become depressed at retirement. However, life expectancy is on the increase and people have more disposable money resources, which contribute to a better quality of life, and that opens up the opportunity for living a new and exciting life.

However, without proper planning and creating structure, there is a lot of insecurity. It is common to feel depressed and overwhelmed. If you feel like nervous about the prospect of retirement, or if you need assistance in deciding what to do with your life when you stop working in formal employment, it might be a good idea to speak to a therapist.

A psychologist or counsellor who offers coaching people before, during and after retirement will help to bring stress symptoms to normal levels, and help you to understand your personal qualities. He or she will help you to find ways to fill up the empty time and finding purpose, using your personal life goals and aspirations as a guide.

Goals change over the years as you evolve as a person and it is important to change your actions to ensure that you live life to the fullest.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers retirement counselling to address your stress, and anxiety due to retirement you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Anna Schwaiger

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