Creativity, Infidelity, Men's Issues, Sexuality Counsellors

Creativity, Infidelity, Men's Issues, Sexuality

Expressive arts or creativity therapy uses art as a therapy. The end result is not always of great importance in art or creative arts therapy, but rather the process of creation. Imagination is a potent tool for healing, and in artistic therapy, there are many different ways for people to express themselves.

Therapists that use the artistic methods believe that creative expression taps into the imagination, allowing people to examine their emotions, feelings and even the body and thought processes. Some of the models used in creativity therapy, include dance, drama, psychodrama, music, art, horticulture, and writing.

Creative Arts therapy has the ability to foster healing, development and human growth.It can help a person of any age to reclaim their capacity for creative expression about individual and collective experiences in artistic form.

Through creativity expression, an experienced therapist will help you to manage emotional and physical problems, using a range of creative activities. Art therapy provides an avenue for the client to explore emotional conflicts and to increase self-awareness. Expression therapy helps a person to express unspoken and usually unconscious issues, allowing for those issues to be expressed in a safe, nurturing environment.

During therapy, the therapist and the client will move freely between the different models, preferring the intermodal approach to facilitate deeper exploration. It enables the therapist to explore a wide range of emotions through different art forms, from journaling, to painting, dancing, drama, poetry, phototherapy and a range of traditional artforms. Evidence has shown that it is helpful in a range of circumstances, from helping with emotions related to diagnosis of an illness, to dealing with grief or post traumatic stress disorder.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers creativity therapy to address your emotional issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Infidelity affects many relationships every year, and unless a couple works through the situation, could spell the end of a relationship. In cases where couples decide to work through the issues of infidelity, there is often a lot of strain on the relationship and therapy can help to create a fresh start.

In recent decades, extramarital affairs have become very common and couples vow to love and be faithful till death do us part, keeping that promise is a rare occurrence. While this is a small consolation, it can help to remove some of the shame the victim of infidelity may feel. However, a partner's affair is not a sign of failure on the part of the victim.

Sometimes, the other partner may be completely surprised to learn of a partner's infidelity and it can leave that person feeling shocked, devastated, confused, betrayed, aggrieved, alone and jealous. The end of a relationship can be a huge adjustment, and many people seek therapy to help them heal, recover and move forward with their lives.

Choosing to continue with the relationship after an affair is a noble choice, provided the cheating partner intends to follow through and make some important changes. A therapist will gladly help the couple to work towards their goal by helping them to explore and express their emotions in a safe space. An important starting point in dealing with infidelity is to assess each partner's level of commitment to the relationship, and to verbalize it. Therapy will help the couple to develop strategies for repairing trust and to foresee potential pitfalls, and develop strategies to avoid any habits and temptations for future failure.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers couples counselling to address your or your partner's infidelity issues, you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

For centuries, men were defined as warriors who were responsible for providing and protecting their families, tribes and communities. Those restraining limitations that were imposed by cultural traditions limited men as far as emotions are concerned.However, modern psychology has rediscovered the differences between men and women and the role of male emotions, relationship dynamics and behaviour in men's issues.

The expectations and demands of our new modern world result in increasing stress levels, often related to relationships and work. Symptoms of male issues that are commonly seen in therapists' offices, include stress, anger, addiction, depression, relationship issues, and work adjustment issues.

A large percentage of men feel that they are inadequate in relationships and at work, and this leads to negative emotional states, shame and fear. These emotions usually stem from negative messages at home and at work. It is harder than ever for men to fulfill their traditional roles, as being the sole bread winner is unrealistic in today's economy, and more men are staying home while women are sole breadwinners.

Traditional roles, particularly in men who were predominantly raised by women, dictate that men are not supposed to show certain emotions. Men who feel the need for nurturance, feel ashamed at their display of emotion and vulnerability. If he experienced childhood abuse, or was raised by an overprotective mother, he may become excessively angry or hurt at perceived criticism, complaints or insults.

Men often perceive asking for help as shameful, or a sign of weakness. Therapy for men's issues was designed for men to vocally express their problems, in individual counselling, couples counselling or group therapy settings.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers men's issues to help with your stress and related issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Sexuality is an important part of society and relationships in particular. Issues with sexuality are usually an indication of more serious relationship problems. Sex should be a natural and healthy part of a committed relationship, but problems can crop up at any time.

One partner might use the frequency of sex as an indication of their value in the relationship and a measurement as to how much he or she is loved, while the other person values intimacy. Unsatisfactory sex might reveal the partners' deeper levels of control, love and trust, and highlight issues that need further exploration.

Many issues can cause unnecessary stress in a relationship, such as negative childhood attitudes to sexuality. Cultural pressures can also place undue demands on a couple. Traumatic sexual experiences can also emerge at any time.

A therapist can help a couple deal with sexuality issues, helping them to make their own rules regarding sex. They can explore issues with sexuality, such as cultural taboos and family myths,  in a safe environment that is free from judgment.

Relationship counselling can help sexuality issues by helping the couple explore physical communication and allowing both partners to understand the meaning of sex within the bounds of the relationships. Power and control are two of the biggest issues with sexuality in a relationship, while sexual withdrawal is a way for one partner to express disappointment and anger, which are forbidden outside the bedroom.

These are just some of the myriad sexuality related issues that may cause problems in relationships, with which therapists could assist. Sexual dysfunction can be assisted through psychosexual therapy.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers sexual counselling and other sexuality issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

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Renee Bartkiewicz

  Renee Bartkiewicz is both a Registered Clinical Counsellor and an Art Therapist. In her inclusive, creative, and collaborative practice, she sees individuals that present with a variety of  issues... Read more