Caregiver Support - Dementia and Alzheimers Counsellors

Caregiver Support - Dementia and Alzheimers

Caregivers for individuals with Alzheimers and Dementias struggle with so many feelings. Counsellors who work in this area can often feel like a life line.

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Nadine Jans

Nadine Jans

M.Sc., RCC
Over-eating, emotional - or binge eating, body image, caregiving, trauma, guilt, shame, self-sabotage, depression, anxiety, and self-esteem issues are the areas in which I have specialized training. I have... Read more
Miriam Maxcy

Miriam Maxcy

    • Online booking
Welcome! My name is Miriam and I am a registered Social Worker with both a BSW and an MSW.  I come to counselling with over15 years of experience working to support individuals and families on their wellness... Read more