Counselling Vancouver - Attention Deficit Disorder - ADHD Counsellors, Psychologists, Therapists in Vancouver, Fairview

White Rock, Fairview

Counselling White Rock contains information about counsellors, psychologists, and therapists in the White Rock area. These counsellors, psychologists, and therapists may assist individuals, couples and/or families. As is typical with trained counselling professionals they may vary in their areas of expertise.

White Rock consists of the following neighbourhoods:

Semiahmoo Bay, Crescent Beach, Ocean Park, Morgan Creek, Elgin Park, Chantrell

These White Rock counselling professionals have designations from the following list:

Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC), Registered Psychologist (R Psych), Registered Social Worker (RSW), Certified Canadian Counsellor (CCC), American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT), Registered Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT), and Registered Art Therapist (BCATR).

Explore the information within the counselling listings for White Rock to get a better sense of which counselling professional might be a match for you.

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Keisei Anzai

No matter who we are, life has its up and downturns. Happiness is said to be a rich sense of well-being that comes only from knowing our internal self. A large part of what generates happiness is our cognition.... Read more

Shannon Paton

    • Online booking
In my view, people deserve a place to feel seen, heard, and supported. In our sessions, I strive to provide a space where you can express yourself and explore your inner world so that we can create change together.... Read more

Claudette Alain

My approach to psychotherapy is based on many years of training in both psychology and education. My passion for psychology led me to private practice after 20 years in the education sector as a teacher, counsellor,... Read more

Marie Lembesis

M.Ed., RCC
Marie Lembesis, M.Ed., RCC, RRP, CCRC CVRP(F) has a practice that comprises vocational diagnostics, career counselling and personal counselling for individuals aged 16 and up. Her diagnostic work includes... Read more

Zoe Nichele

    • Online booking
Welcome, I’m Zoe! I work with people seeking freer self-expression, deeper authenticity, and calmer presence in life. The people I work with are often struggling with anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, or life... Read more