Counselling Vancouver - Addictions - Including Substances, Eldercare Issues Counsellors, Psychologists, Therapists in Vancouver, West Point Grey

Addictions - Including Substances, Eldercare Issues

While some people can use prescription or recreational drugs with no negative effects, many others become addicted and face dramatic health and lifestyle problems as a result. Substance addictions negatively affect relationships, home, school or work, leaving the person feeling ashamed, helpless and isolated.

Physical symptoms of substance abuse and addiction are varied depending on the drug of choice, but the symptoms of the addiction itself are similar. People who are addicted to substances may neglect their responsibilities, take potentially dangerous risks and get into trouble with the law. As their drug use spirals out of control, they will lose interest in activities that used to be enjoyable and continue to take drugs despite knowing the harm it causes.

Substance addicts tend to build up a tolerance to their drug of choice, and get angry when they can't get more of it. Withdrawal symptoms are highly probable when an addict goes without it for too long. Depression, nausea, insomnia, sweating, restlessness, anxiety and shaking are all common withdrawal symptoms.

Psychotherapy can help you to overcome substance addiction by focusing on correcting maladaptive behaviors. Substance abuse is usually a coping mechanism against emotionally overwhelming past events or memories. Substances are often used to provide instant gratification instead of facing certain issues.

Therapists are equipped to help clients deal with addiction recovery through empowerment and helping them set simple short term targets. The first target is sobriety, followed by empowering the client with adaptive skills and finding new coping strategies that deal with the issues that caused the addiction. Substance addiction can be ended, allowing the person to live a healthy, productive life.

If you need a counsellor or psychologist to help you address the effects of substance addiction, you can search the directory below to find a professional with the approach best suited to your situation.

Eldercare issues are one of life's common challenges. It's only natural to age, and challenges are to be expected. It can be hard for elderly people to manage the difficulties of retirement, and dealing with medical or frailty issues. Adjusting to the death of peers, partners and friends can be a catalyst to facing one's own mortality, which could cause anxiety and depression.

Boredom is one of the biggest eldercare issues that therapists deal with. In order to avoid isolation, loneliness and boredom, it is important to find meaningful and enjoyable hobbies or activities. A large percentage of Canadians experience Alzheimer's disease or another type of dementia by the time they retire.

Additionally, eldercare issues can affect those who care for elderly family members. If you find it hard to see your loved one struggling with the loss of independence and coping with other issues related to aging, you need not feel alone. It is hard seeing your once young and strong parent or relative looking weak and frail and having someone depend on you so heavily. Your emotions are natural and expected.

However, therapy can help both elderly people and those who offer elderly care to sort through their emotions and deal with communication issues. Therapy is particularly important in cases where the elderly person has dementia. It can also put you in touch with any available community resources.

You don't have to feel depressed or lonely if you have eldercare issues. Thousands of people face the same issues and the therapists below deal with that every day and they can help you, too.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers professional  therapies or counselling to address your elder care issues, you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Note: You may narrow your search by selecting more than one filter below.

Roma Palmer

Roma Palmer

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Choosing a counsellor is a very personal decision.  Below please find some information to help you make the choice that is right for you. What is my philosophy of counselling and how can I help you? I believe... Read more