Counselling Port Coquitlam - Personal Injury, Sexual Assault Counsellors, Psychologists, Therapists in Port Coquitlam

Port Coquitlam

Counselling Port Coquitlam page contains information about counsellors, psychologists, and therapists in the Port Coquitlam area. These counsellors, psychologists, and therapists may assist individuals, couples and/or families. As is typical with trained counselling professionals they may vary in their areas of expertise. Many will be able to provide anger management counselling, depression counselling, anxiety counselling, marriage counselling, and trauma counselling.

Explore the information within the counselling listings for Port Coquitlam to get a better sense of which counselling professional might be a match for you.

Port Coquitlam consists of the following neighbourhoods:

Lincoln Park, Birchland Manor, Oxford Heights, Lower Mary Hill, Mary Hill, Woodland Acres, Riverwood, Citadel, Citadel Heights, Glenwood, Riverside, Central Port Coquitlam, Northside, Sun Valley

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Personal Injury, Sexual Assault

Personal injury claims can be stretched out and troublesome. Not only is there the actual personal injury to contend with, but also the emotion and legal impact that comes with such a traumatic incident. In the months following a personal injury, you will probably visit a psychologist or counsellor on a regular bases.

The court system often engages counselling professionals as experts during litigation. They will have to assess the emotional symptoms that result from traumatic personal injury, such as chronic pain, post traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety. In the case of head injuries that coincide with other physical injuries, psychologists will evaluate cognitive impairment and  memory issues using neuropsychological assessment strategies.

Another area of practice in which personal injury psychologists work, is employment law. These psychologists will assess issues of sexual and other types of harassment, discrimination and psychological disability issues in the workplace. In this arena, they may be hired for remedial purposes.

While the litigation of personal injury is important, caring for the victim of the trauma should be a priority. Therapy allows a safe place for the person to express his or her emotions and receive help with symptoms such as anxiety, depression, nightmares, flashbacks, fear and anger. In the case of debilitating physical injuries, the therapist will help the victim to work through the adjustments on an emotional level. The therapist will also help the victim to reframe perceptions to create an optimistic outlook that will stand him or her in good stead to move forward. Psychologists and counsellors use a range of therapeutic approaches to reach the desired outcomes for their patients.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers counselling approaches to address your personal injury issues, you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Sexual assault or abuse in childhood often causes psychological and emotional difficulties as the victim grows up. A child who is abused by a parent, is likely to suffer from severe anxiety, low self-esteem, uncontrollable anger, depression and intimacy issues. However, sexual assault is not limited to children, and it can harm an adult emotionally too.

Immediately after sexual assault, a person may not immediately experience pain or fear. They may even experience moments of pleasure, which can cause a lot of confusion and inner turmoil. They may feel betrayed if the abuser is a relative or acquaintance, but at the same time, feel guilty for reporting the sexual assault and getting the abuser in trouble. Abusers often lie to their victims, or reward them, and threats can deepen the emotional trauma.

A victim of sexual assault will often have trouble coping with relationships that are growing close, or with people physically touching them. When starting a relationship, memories will start to occur and they will cause trouble with intimacy in the relationship. Some people who have experienced sexual assault will become promiscuous, which can cause even more guilt.

It is essential for sexual assault survivors to receive counselling from a professional psychologist who is experienced in sexual assault. A therapist will help the victim to work through emotions and help clarify his or her choices. Working through the emotions of anger, guilt and shame will help to facilitate emotional healing. EMDR has been proven a very effective treatment for post traumatic stress disorder in sexual assault victims.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers sexual assault counselling to address your emotional healing issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

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Aditi Jasra

Aditi Jasra

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