Counselling Richmond - Depression Counsellors, Psychologists, Therapists in Richmond

Gibsons, Richmond

Counselling Gibsons contains information about counsellors, psychologists, and therapists in the Gibsons area. professionals may assist individuals, couples and/or families. Coming from a range of backgrounds, and having a range of skills all of these professionals vary in the way they work with clients.  

Be sure to read the profiles to get a good sense of who may be a good match for you.

Counselling Richmond contains information about counsellors, psychologists, and therapists in the Richmond area. These counsellors, psychologists, and therapists may assist individuals, couples and/or families. As is typical with trained counselling professionals they may vary in their areas of expertise.

These Richmond counselling professionals have designations from the following list:

Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC), Registered Psychologist (R Psych), Registered Social Worker (RSW), Certified Canadian Counsellor (CCC), American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT), Registered Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT), and Registered Art Therapist (BCATR).

Richmond consists of the following neighbourhoods:

Boyd Park, Bridgeport, Brighouse, Brighouse South, Broadmoor, East Cambie, Garden City, Gilmore, Granville, Woodwards, Hamilton, Ironwood, Lackner, McLennan, McLennan North, McNair, Quilchena, Riverdale, Seafair, Sea Island, Saunders, South Arm, Steveston North, Steveston South, Steveston Village, Terra Nova, West Cambie, Westwind

Explore the information within the counselling listings for Richmond to get a better sense of which counselling professional might be a match for you.

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Depression is the most common psychological condition, and most people experience it at one point or another in their lives.

Symptoms of depression include lethargy, low self esteem, a feeling of sadness, helplessness, hopelessness, anxiety, dysphoric mood and even suicidal thoughts. People who are depressed usually feel a lack of energy and a lack of pleasure and they may be agitated or irritable.

Since there are so many causes to depression, which boils down to a natural response to life experiences (a defence mechanism), each situation warrants a thorough investigation into the exact catalyst. Depending on what causes a specific incidence of depression, a treatment plan can be developed to help the individual deal with his or her emotions.

Some people are predisposed to depression in that it can run in the family. In many cases, it is learned when someone is constantly exposed to it.

Counselling can help a person to adapt to life changes that are causing grief, particularly with bereavement or marital issues. Systemic therapy is helpful in family therapy, where the efforts of the whole family can help the individual. Psychodynamic therapy helps a person to find the hidden psychological defences that cause problems to manifest. Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on the problem at hand, providing solutions to day-to-day issues and finding ways to restructure negative thought patterns.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who has training and experience in depression counselling you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Note: You may narrow your search by selecting more than one filter below.

Judith Barnard

Judith Barnard

Greetings! My name is Judith. I have over twenty years of experience helping women find relief from the debilitating effects of panic, anxiety and depression. You may have anxiety if: your stomach constantly... Read more
Phyllis Chan

Phyllis Chan

M.Ed., CCC
    • Online booking
I am a Canadian Certified Counsellor with good standing. I have over 15 years of counselling experience. I completed my master's degree in counselling psychology at the University of British Columbia. I... Read more
Kelvin Chung

Kelvin Chung

Kelvin Chung, RCC Areas of Focus: Individual Counselling, Couple/Marriage Counselling, CVAP Counselling Cases, ICBC Counselling Cases, IFS Therapy As a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC), I am passionate about... Read more
Leah Dhahan

Leah Dhahan

Welcome! Are you struggling to set boundaries and speak your truth in relationships? Are you currently experiencing feelings of anxiety, anger, or powerlessness in your life or relationships? Do you find yourself... Read more

Jingjing Du

I grew up in mainland China and relocated to Vancouver in 2021. I hold a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling and am a Canadian Certified Counselor. Since 2012, I have been married to my Canadian husband,... Read more

Terry Estrin

Ph.D., R.Psych
I am a Registered Psychologist in private practice with offices in Richmond and Vancouver. My areas of practice include psychotherapy and counselling for individuals (age 17 and up), relationship therapy for couples and... Read more

Fay Ferris

M.Ed., RCC
 I am now offering online or virtual and telephone counselling only.  I have focused my practice on Couples Counselling and Individuals struggling with Depression and Anxiety and relationship isssues. Using... Read more
Samantha Hers

Samantha Hers

M.Div., RCC
    • Online booking
My hope is that in our relationship you would feel safe and connected so that you can think and speak unfiltered and freely. Through this process we can uncover or re-discover your strengths, and lean on your supports... Read more
Joy Hung

Joy Hung

    • Online booking
Is stress getting you down? Would you like to have healthier and more meaningful relationships? Are you tired of being limited by feelings of depression or anxiety? You probably found your way here because you... Read more
Sanela Jakovljev

Sanela Jakovljev

M.Couns., RCC
Are you tired of waking up to chronic pain each day, struggling to convey spoon theory to those who don't understand, or feeling dismissed by professionals who should be there to help? As a registered clinical... Read more
Mary Kwan

Mary Kwan

M.Sc., CCC
Whether you are feeling depressed anxious, wanting to talk to someone, or to work out your inner issues so that you can be a happy person, I am here to help. Feeling stuck in your family relations, you can still live... Read more
Jas Lachar

Jas Lachar

Sometimes our mental well-being suffers because we have had a major life transition such as starting or finishing university, becoming a new parent, taking a new position at work, moving or Covid-19. Transitions are... Read more
Andrew Lee

Andrew Lee

    • Online booking
I am Andrew Lee and I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC # 2550). I am dedicated to providing personalized therapy to clients seeking healing, treatment, support, and guidance for various mental health... Read more
Lauren Little

Lauren Little

Hi, I’m Lauren (she/her). Sometimes life can be hard, and we can struggle to navigate our current challenges. I know that taking the step into therapy can feel overwhelming, however, remember that you... Read more
Ronald Ma

Ronald Ma

Psy.D., R.Psych
    • Online booking
There are many different reasons people might seek counselling. You may be looking for support for something specific or you might feel something’s just been off and want help figuring it out. In either case, it... Read more
Jonathan McVicar

Jonathan McVicar

Ph.D., R.Psych
Dr. Jonathan McVicar, MA, PhD (UBC), Registered Psychologist has been working with adults (ages 17+) and couples for over 20 years. During this time, he has focused his practice on relationship / marriage... Read more
Mandy Rai

Mandy Rai

    • Online booking
I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor who uses a collaborative and person-centred approach to support clients in their journey toward self-discovery and healing. I offer a range of treatment options from a trauma-... Read more
Ajay Sahota

Ajay Sahota

Thank-you for visiting my page. I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) Psychotherapist and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapist. I support people in Vancouver/Richmond... Read more
Amelia Wu

Amelia Wu

M.Ed., CCC
吴偲予是持有心理学学士学位和心理咨询硕士学位的加拿大注册心理咨询师。在工作中,她习惯运用综合疗法以及不同的技巧,例如: 辩证行为法,认知行为疗法,人物中心疗罚,解答聚焦治疗,情感集中治疗, 艺术疗法和觉知训练方法等,来帮助大家达到预期效果。传统的中国文化背景让吴偲予对移民在西方文化环境里面临的挑战,以及父母子女之间潜在的文化差异与代沟有着深刻的了解与体会。因此能够更好的帮助解决因为文化导致的各种问题,促进家庭关系,... Read more
Celia Yeung

Celia Yeung

 Are you feeling overwhelmed, isolated, stuck, lost or depressed? If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, grief and loss, relationship issues or other stressful life challenges, I can help. I provide an... Read more
David Zhang

David Zhang

MC, R.C.C. (#19056). ICBC Direct billing. Sometimes we’ve been wounded. We are bitter and end up in hard places. We are in relationships that have grown painful, disappointing, even hopeless. It seems... Read more
JY Zhang

JY Zhang

“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” -- Laurell K. Hamilton  JY holds a warm, safe, and accepting space for who you are and... Read more