Counselling Duncan - Dreams, Gender Identity Issues Counsellors, Psychologists, Therapists in Duncan


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Dreams, Gender Identity Issues

Dreams can help a therapist to gain significant insight into your psyche, and to help you find strategies to heal emotional or psychological problems. A person's verbal interpretation of a dream is used to bring about healing. Famous psychologists, such as the late Freud and later on Carl Jung used dream interpretation many years ago and wrote insightful theories about their work too.

The trigger that brought about the dream is not as important to psychologists and counsellors who practice dream analysis, but rather the dreamer's interpretation. When you see a counsellor who offers dream analysis, he or she will derive meaning from your interpretations of dream elements to get insight into your psyche.

The therapist will advise you to record your dreams and will then talk you through the analytical process. This process will help you confront your conscious and subconscious dilemmas as a way to create a more creative and healthy life.

Dream therapy allows you to derive meaning from your dream images to gain insight into your psyche. While it is useful to find out unconscious or subconscious dilemmas, it can also help you to find ways to handle some of the life situations you are facing. Dream therapy allows you to confront dilemmas and find ways to deal with those situations.

Dream interpretation can help you to become emotionally balanced and healthy through finding correlations and connections between the images in your dreams and in real life. It will help you to open your mind to past experiences that have made you the person you are today.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers professional dream therapies or counselling to address the issues in your dreams, you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

Gender identity issues can make a person feel that nature has played a cruel trick, leaving them living in a body and role that is contrary to what they feel inside. However, as society becomes more accepting of gay and lesbian individuals it is also becoming much easier for people to admit that they are transgender than ever before. However, therapy can help people with gender dysphoria to cope with gender identity issues.

Most people with gender dysphoria prefer the term transgender as they deal with the social expectations of living a life that is authentic to their own emotions while conforming to their birth gender.

Whether you are confused about the possibility that you might be transgender, or whether you have accepted the reality, it is a good idea to speak to a therapist. If you are considering gender reassignment surgery, therapy will help you prepare for the psychological impact of the decision.

Living in your gender of choice will take a lot of courage, as well as some experimentation. You will have to learn how to find a congruent appearance, and explore different ways for you to present your body so that it relates to your true gender.

Counselling from a therapist trained in gender identity issues will provide a nurturing and non-judgmental environment for you to explore your emotions, fears and feelings regarding what is happening for you.  Individual and group therapies are common for gender dysphoric patients, while family therapy can help foster better communication, and understanding. Family therapy can help deal with conflicts that can arise from gender dysphoria.

If you are looking for a counsellor or psychologist who offers gender identity counselling to address your gender dysphoria issues you may want to search the directory to find a professional whose approach will suit you best.

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dean diamond

dean diamond

M.Ed., CCC
    • Online booking
I am a Nature Guided Focusing Oriented Therapist, Sandplay Therapy Intern, and Canadian Certified Counsellor with a Masters of Education in Disability Studies.  I offer embodied and experiential forms of... Read more