Counselling White Rock - Family Therapy Counsellors, Psychologists, Therapists in White Rock
Duncan, White Rock
This link provides a listing of psychologists, counsellors and other therapists in the Duncan area who address a range of issues that may affect individuals, couples and families. All of these therapists use a range of approaches to assist their clients. Please read the individual bios to get a sense of who might be a good match for you.
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Counselling White Rock contains information about counsellors, psychologists, and therapists in the White Rock area. These counsellors, psychologists, and therapists may assist individuals, couples and/or families. As is typical with trained counselling professionals they may vary in their areas of expertise.
White Rock consists of the following neighbourhoods:
Semiahmoo Bay, Crescent Beach, Ocean Park, Morgan Creek, Elgin Park, Chantrell
These White Rock counselling professionals have designations from the following list:
Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC), Registered Psychologist (R Psych), Registered Social Worker (RSW), Certified Canadian Counsellor (CCC), American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT), Registered Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT), and Registered Art Therapist (BCATR).
Explore the information within the counselling listings for White Rock to get a better sense of which counselling professional might be a match for you.
If you want to search a nearby city then click on the check mark for White Rock to unselect it and choose another city.
Family Therapy
Family Therapy is different from family systems counselling in that it focuses on relationships within the immediate family unit. It can be used as a supplement to other forms of therapy, or it can be the primary treatment plan.
Family therapy sees the unit as a whole, rather than a group of individual member, and this approach can be used to meet a range of of therapeutic outcomes. Instead of focusing on a single family member, family therapy counsellors see individual and relationship problems as the result of issues within the family dynamics. The therapist will identify issues in the patterns that contribute to problems. He or she will then help the clients to work on verbal and nonverbal communication styles to help shift patterns and bring about positive change.
If you are looking for a therapist who offers Family Therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..
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