Body Centred Psychotherapy

Body Centred Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy

Body centered psychotherapy is sometimes referred to as somatic psychotherapy. It combines a range of approaches that promote psychological health while considering the body's role in healing and life experience. People often repress the impulses, emotions and feelings that form part of our experiences, and body centered psychotherapy opens up their understanding and experience of these aspects.

This form of therapy offers a level of healing that is not often experienced in conventional talk therapy. The conscious controls verbal expression and maintenance of muscular tension. Those functions anchor and reinforce a person's characterological responses to their environment. Body centered psychotherapy helps patients to become aware of their physiological sensations, impulses and emotions to gain greater control over their thoughts and behaviours.

A body centered psychotherapy therapist will guide the client to increase body awareness to become conscious of their movements, breathing, and the way in which they speak.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers body centered psychotherapy therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Hypnosis uses the power of suggestion while the client is in a state of extreme relaxation to bring about significant transformations. Clinicians who offer hypnosis use it in different ways. Most commonly, clinicians encourage the individual to use their imagination, because visualization is a powerful tool. Imagery is used to symbolically manifest circumstances as they wish it to be.

Hypnosis allows for deep introspection, where it helps the client to discover unconscious motivations and intentions, as well as experiences that are responsible for undesirable reactions or symptoms.

By circumventing the client's conscious thought processes, hypnosis allows them better insight into issues. This deep insight into a his or her psyche can be the catalyst for dramatic change.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Hypnosis, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Patrick Myers

Ph.D., R.Psych
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