ADD and ADHD Coping Strategies

ADD and ADHD Coping Strategies, Family Therapy

Therapists offer a wide range of approaches and ADHD coping strategies that can be valuable in overcoming the challenges of ADD/ADHD. Coaching is an effective tool in the treatment of ADHD. While traditional psychologists offer a range of approaches to deal with emotional problems, those who work with ADHD clients help implement practical solutions that improve situations in everyday life. Known as behavioural therapists, they offer strategies to help you prioritize tasks, structure your environment and manage your finances.

Organizing your work and home environment for optimum results can make life a lot easier and therapists can help with that. They may come to your home or office and look at ways to improve the organization and make suggestions for increased efficiency.

If you have ADD/ADHD and you could benefit from learning how to organize your environment and to prioritize tasks, have  a look at the counsellors listed below.

Family Therapy is different from family systems counselling in that it focuses on relationships within the immediate family unit. It can be used as a supplement to other forms of therapy, or it can be the primary treatment plan.

Family therapy sees the unit as a whole, rather than a group of individual member, and this approach can be used to meet a range of of therapeutic outcomes. Instead of focusing on a single family member, family therapy counsellors see individual and relationship problems as the result of issues within the family dynamics. The therapist will identify issues in the patterns that contribute to problems. He or she will then help the clients to work on verbal and nonverbal communication styles to help shift patterns and bring about positive change.

If you are looking for a therapist who offers Family Therapy, please browse our list of practitioners below..

Phoebe Tsang

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Background and training: Master of Counselling from Trinity Western University Registered Clinical Counsellor #1830 of BCACC Registered Marriage & Family Therapist- Supervisor of CAMFT #2017290 BC... Read more